This is my creed on Wiccans, Wiccans do not worship Satan nor - TopicsExpress


This is my creed on Wiccans, Wiccans do not worship Satan nor they have anything to do with him, Wiccans are not Satanists nor Anti-Christians, Wiccans do not practice Human sacrifices or Animal Sacrifices, Wiccans do not force their beliefs upon others, Wiccans do not harm anyone, Wiccans do not hate Christians or non-Wiccans, Wiccans do not practice black magic, Wiccans do not persecute others in their community. Rather, this is what Wiccans are, Wiccans are a branch of paganism which focus on the appreciation of nature, Wiccans are not necessarily witches or practice witchcraft, though most do, Wiccans worship the divine though nature under their own private individual beliefs, Wiccans honors and celebrates the cycles of the season and moon, Wiccans places no religious doctrines to all, each person has their own doctrine, Wiccans appreciate all living beings and views that all are equal value, Wiccans places nature as the center and only source of their spiritual beliefs, Wiccans are tolerant and open minded people who seek truth and enlightenment. This is what I believe Wicca is. I am a Progressive Christian, and I will happy say, with my experience I had with Wiccans, that Wiccans are the most honest, tolerant, and loving people I have the please to meet, and I strongly support them. -Hector Millan I am a Christian myself, and I have so much wiccan friends, and trust me, Wiccans are nothing like sterotype describes them. My wiccan friends know I am Christian, and they dont seek to convert me, they only teach me about their beliefs and they show me what they practice. Wiccans are very honest people. My wiccan friends respect my Christian beliefs and I respect their beliefs. As a Christian, I will tell you, Wiccans are not evil
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 03:08:08 +0000

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