This is my daughter Jackie testimony. Its worth the read. So - TopicsExpress


This is my daughter Jackie testimony. Its worth the read. So happy for her My Plexus Story!! I have not shared in awhile but here it is!! I was very skeptical when my sister told me about plexus and how it changed her life. This is going to be a long post but please stay with me, it’s a must read. I have battled my weight my whole life and have tried everything with no success. But I was at a time in my life where I was very frustrated, I had weight loss surgery (lap band) and initially lost 45 pounds fast like within 2months then hit a plateau and have stayed there but then started to put weight back on. One frustrating thing after surgery is that my hunger which was supposed to be lessened actually heightened after surgery leaving the dr puzzled. Long story short I was living my life in a constant state of hunger and when I would eat food would not satisfy for long. So I decided to try plexus, what the heck I thought. Right away I felt like my body had been jump started I had incredible energy and could think clearly and just felt like my brain was clear. Then as the weeks went on I experienced the following. 1. I started losing not only weight again but inches. Within the first 6 weeks I had lost 41/2 inches in my stomach area alone. Which with most people is where you have the hardest time losing. Down 3 sizes and have lost over 35pounds. 2. After only taking plexus for one month I found out I was pregnant. I had been having trouble conceiving after my first son for over 6 years because my insulin levels and progesterone levels fluctuate. Shortly after finding out I was pregnant I had a miscarriage but after talking to my gynecologist she was convinced that plexus is what helped me to conceive and told me to continue taking it since it is all natural. She was convinced that it would help me get pregnant again soon as plexus continues to get my body balanced out by regulating my insulin and sugar levels. I conceived a second time shortly after and miscarried again but was so encouraged because I was actually conceiving!! Then I conceived a short time after for the third time while being on plexus and I recently delivered a healthy little boy! So thankful for without plexus he would not be here!! And that alone is worth everything!! 3. I also noticed shortly after taking it that I was pain free. I was in a car accident and was left with a bulging disc in my neck and after seeing a chiro and three different physical therapy sessions still no reduction in pain. I would wake up every morning with horrible headaches. Since plexus also helps with inflammation in the body, I now wake up pain free and have no headaches or muscle aches. Hallelujah!!! 4. After taking plexus my hunger and cravings are gone. I get hungry obviously need to eat but it is controlled and plexus just takes away the urges that I once had. Hard to explain just that I feel amazing. I finally feel like I am in control of my weight and my body for once in my life. I now have the confidence to say that I will reach my goal weight! I also have reduced my cholesterol and lipid levels as well. Confident that the next time I have them checked they will all be normal. 5. Last but not least I have been able to become an Ambassador with Plexus. I started out just wanting to get my product at wholesale to save some money but quickly realized that these products are amazing and life changing and that I needed to share them with people who needed them. So I have done just that and shared my story and I have been able to help people regain hope and health!! Grabbing hold of this amazing opportunity has allowed me to recently quit my fulltime job and be a stay at home mom, which has been my desire for some time. Being able to replace my income with this opportunity has been priceless. So to sum it all up I will never be without plexus! I feel the best I have ever felt in my life! If you have diabetes, arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic pain or trouble losing weight to name a few you must try this amazing product. Contact me for a free trial or go to my website for more info. plexusslim/pattyalberino
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 20:54:59 +0000

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