This is my detailed guide on body shape and size, exercise, and - TopicsExpress


This is my detailed guide on body shape and size, exercise, and how to lose weight successfully. If you have any questions you can ask and I would respond. Now when you read this, I urge you that you need to understand that the key to weight loss is determination. If you read and memorise all I have written here without carrying it out, then you have actually wasted your time. Weight loss= diet +exercise Let’s start with diet: For anyone who is trying to lose weight, one of the very important aspects is your diet! The body works by a system called caloric gain or deficit. When you take in less food (calories) than your body needs to carry out its activities, you create a deficit, so your body has to go into its fat stores and mobilise fat for energy to use to perform its activities. That is how you lose your fat! When there is a caloric gain, that is when you eat more than the body needs, the excess is stored as fat in your body. You need to know that 1 pound is equal to 3500 kcal; therefore for every extra 3500kcal you take in, you have added an extra pound!! Now one mistake a lot of us make, is thinking that skipping meals would help you achieve your result faster. I have said it over and over, it doesn’t. NEVER SKIP MEALS. Skipping your meals firstly reduces your body’s rate of metabolism, therefore your body not use up as much calories as it is supposed to use daily. Secondly, most times, you realise that you end up eating so much more food the next time you eat after skipping a meal because you would be very starved and hungry. TRUE! Now the best way to lose weight is usually by eating 5 to 6 meals a day. But there is a problem with this, which is COMPLAINCE. Like for us in Nigeria, our foods are kind of heavy. You would realise that most people, in an attempt to eat 6 small meals a day, would end up overeating. I often advice people to do 3 small meals a day, with lots of water in between and one fruit in-between. The advantage of the 6 small meal method is that it would help to keep up your metabolism at all times so your body is constantly burning and burning more calories. Like I have said in my other posts, there are some foods which would help you and there are some you should try and eat very little of. Some examples of the good ones: 1. Beans 2. Vegetables 3. Fish 4. Skinless chicken 5. Skinless turkey 6. Sweet potatoes 7. Fruits 8. Carrots 9. Cucumber 10. Cabbage Please, avoid: 1. Eba 2. Iyan (pounded yam) 3. Rice 4. Bread 5. Butter 6. Fufu 7. Spaghetti/ all forms of pasta 8. Salad cream 9. Chocolates 10. Coke and other sweetend drinks. Only take water, no fruit juices. 11. Ice cream 12. Cake 13. Biscuits Remember, no heavy meals at night, always try to finish your meal before 7pm.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 11:18:53 +0000

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