This is my end of the year rant and Two Great Articles to close - TopicsExpress


This is my end of the year rant and Two Great Articles to close the year. One in support of the concept of Intelligent Design and the other refuting a horrible piece from Newsweek. Most of the arguments made within the Newsweek article are weak, tried, and easily dismissed by an amateur non-religious scholar as simple belly aching. Article on Intelligent Design just highlights the complexity of life which cannot happen through mutations in a favorable environment. It also baffles my mind that those who hold a pro-evolution viewpoint look at the extreme complexity (coding of DNA, functioning of a simple cell, or even the structure of ecosystems) and argue for chance. (I know they will flower it up with other words, but when the end it all comes down to the same bottom line. As well, the fail to take into account that you are looking for a FAVORABLE mutation which will cause progress while the DNA strand is degrading - thus having a ticking clock.) As well, it amazes me the group mindset that is prevalent among the scholarship or those who considered themselves learned. That is why so often I will simply respond back with short critique without carrying on the conversation much further. The dialogue is often the same retorts that are not focused on actual hard facts, but a result of a worldview. I strongly hold that my belief in Jesus Christ is based on asking the hard questions and searching for truth in all environments. I am by nature a skeptic - questioning always my politics, worldview, and foundational beliefs. But then I come to a crossroad – what will I choose my Facebook to be? Will it be one which seeks to generate discussion? Sometimes flaming the fire just for the sake of discussion? Though maybe argued as divisive? Do I focus solely on family moments and funny quips, while ignoring my passions and my faith? That which truly drives me? Am I neutered on matters of faith in concern that I may create a never ending discussion in which both parties will not retreat from their corners? Where only real meaningful discussion can be found in a coffee shop instead of a tone deaf lit screen that harbors the same relentless tirades. I want to feel that I can share whatever is important and passionate to me without starting a debate. But more often than not, I feel like I must bite my tongue in concern that I might offend and be a source of conflict. That is not my heart… My one hope is that through my life and conversation that there is a marked difference. I believe in miracles for I have seen them. I believe in prayer for I have been heard. I believe in love and forgiveness for I have experienced them through my relationship with Jesus Christ. And I believe that for all the above reasons that I am living a more abundant life. I give back to my community, seek to help those in need, and desire to leave an impacting legacy beyond my short lived years on this side of heaven. So what does my social media platform look like? A little bit of everything. Sometimes a few verses…sometimes family pictures…sometimes a controversial subject…sometimes sports or games…sometimes a happy moment…sometimes one that is a little sober…sometimes a little disappointment in poor decisions…sometimes optimism for what is around the corner. However, hopefully through it all a light of a difference within my life. And I hope I am not too forward, but that is who I am. Foremost a Follower of Christ and then one who seeks to LOVE ALL. And may my testimony be of those who encounter me on a daily basis. I am not perfect, far from it. Just want to have my life remembered as making a positive difference.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 02:32:00 +0000

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