This is my friend Megan.........Megan Conner. My boss n I were at - TopicsExpress


This is my friend Megan.........Megan Conner. My boss n I were at Summer NAMM in Nashville(2008?). I had flown to Nashville the prior November by myself for only one reason. To see my new friend Tayla Lynn perform at 3rd n Lindsley n the next day go to her grandmother Lorettas Ranch. Yes...THAT Lynn! I fell in love with the NAMM show met some new friends n saw some I met when I saw Tayla. One was Erik Halbig an AWESOME guitar player n musician. Erik was there for Ryan @ Gadow Guitars n Rick @ Valvetrain Amps. They all were sponsoring a showcase at The Rutledge that night, and thru Erik, Rick gave me an invite. Not knowing where the Rutledge was I found out n walked there from my hotel, downtown Sheraton. About 8 blocks at least. I had tickets for me n my boss, but he decided after our Image Group cocktail meeting he was going back to hotel. I originally wasnt going to go...but something or someone (TY GOD), made me feel I should. IT CHANGED my life....I walked in hearing the last few notes of an angel! A hobbling angel with a casted foot. Seconds later, she asked the crowd if they could howl....and she then did this song....I quickly found a seat way in back. This long blonde haired angel simply floored jaw dropped! I even howled. I didnt stay...walked back to hotel after a few others performed...couldnt remember who she was the next week later asked Erik online. I looked up everything on Megan Conner...WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We become friends on MySpace (YES MySpace lol)....and better friends much my daughter n I took a 22 hr bus trip to see her Showcase @ 12th n Porter. (Also met her friends Robin n Melany too that night-awesome singer/songwriters as well as Mark n Tim awesome musicians) Megans body of work is intense and so vast, shes even mailed me CDs. And our praise band even did a Christmas song called SHINE her n Kristy Jackson co-wrote, about the Christmas star. To me, Megan shines....still does...she is also an accomplished personal fitness trainer @Barrys Boot camp and accomplished marathoner. Just did Las Vegas last nite and was also at that very sad Boston Marathon. Wrote a song about it. Dear it. SHINE ON GOLDEN ya tons buddy!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 14:00:46 +0000

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