This is my journey. Im type 1 diabetic. Been for the past 15 - TopicsExpress


This is my journey. Im type 1 diabetic. Been for the past 15 years. I could never understand why God would give a 6 year old something like diabetes. You never really get over the horror of being at a kids party and you are denied all the sugary treats. I was never overweight, just used the big boned excuse. Through out high school I became the comfort eater. I stressed, I ate. I was unhappy, I ate. In February this year I was hospitalized. Had the most horrible pain, fever and my body went into shock. The doctors didnt know what it was in the beginning, but after tests and lumber punches I had kidney infection. Which was caused by eating the wrong stuff, not drinking enough water and not dealing with my stress in the right way. I weighed in on 79kg in the beginning of this year, 2014. Got out of hospital two weeks after my birthday (as in the first picture) and weighed in on 60kg. I got sick and everyone around me started getting concerned as I lost too much weight suddenly. I didnt want to admit that I had a problem. I laughed it off, even though I knew. I didnt eat, didnt drink, always just slept. I slowly started picking up the weight again and Im weighing in on 64kg today. I started to slow down on sugars. I had to force myself everyday to drink water, for my own health and the health of my kidneys. For the first time in my life, I can say this has truly been a roller coaster year health wise. Im trying to tone now.....I have a big shoot coming up in February next year for my birthday, to boost my confidence and to remind myself of what I have been through. Kidney infections and then turning around from almost anorexic symptoms to almost there at my goal, just a few steps, a day at a time.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:26:25 +0000

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