This is my last post in regard to Ebola and then I will have some - TopicsExpress


This is my last post in regard to Ebola and then I will have some of the most delicious apple cake I made!!! First, I do not trust our government anymore! Just look at the crazy people representing us in Washington, DC. Look at all of the things they have screwed up: our health care system, IRS, inept Secret Service, border control or lack of, education system, international relations, war in the Middle East, and on and on and on, and NOW I am supposed to listen when they tell me their thoughts on Ebola? Sorry, not happening. And the mandates change daily! Everyone is an expert- not!!!! Its election time and that is all that these politicians are consumed with, PERIOD!!!! Ebola is a deadly virus. Yes, the first symptoms are similar to the flu but also very different. You do not have internal and external bleeding with the flu. Ebola is thought to originate with fruit bats and carried by these bats. Other animals either eat fruit that has been infected by the bats or have direct contact with these bats. Then, the people of these countries hunt these animals, butcher these animals and eat these animals thus immediately becoming infected. I am not a scientist, but was a critical care nurse for years. My question is, can this virus mutate as so many viruses do? Also, I know first hand that there are many variables when deciding how to treat patients and people who have potentially been infected. Educational background, compliance with treatment, follow up. And, they tell us the public health department will monitor these people on a daily basis. Really? I have had contact with people who work for government agencys. Some are good and some are just there collecting a pay check. Is there a guarantee that all monitors will be consistent in their monitoring? Because this is a highly contagious disease, I do not understand what the uproar is over mandatory quarantine. It is 21 days, and 21 days sounds very small as to the alternative death sentence that those potentially infected might incur. Of all the people complaining, I find the health care workers to be the most disturbing. They are whining about coming back to the USA and having to be quarantined. They are complaining that this will prevent others from going to other countries to help these people. What is wrong with you? You know the dangers. You choose to place yourself in a situation that you know is possibly detrimental to your own health. You see people die everyday from this disease while you are in these countries. You see the horror, the poverty, the lack of medical facilities, and you want to help and I think it is admirable, BUT, dont you want to make sure that you do not carry this disease back home with you? I am at a loss for words for your lack of concern about the people here in this country. We are a country that has not been dealt a contagion like this before and are still in the learning phase. I do not see the harm in being overly cautious. The talking heads at the CDC and in Washington are quick to point out that more people die from the flu every year and we should be more concerned about getting our flu shot. Really??? This is just another smoke screen. Flu mutates every year. It is known that it hits the very young and very old the most and others with compromised immune systems. Ebola is different. It doesnt pick and choose. Ebola, like every other issue in America, is now a political issue, not a health care concern!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 14:39:17 +0000

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