This is my last post you will ever see regarding It Works Global. - TopicsExpress


This is my last post you will ever see regarding It Works Global. Please do not ask me questions regarding this post as after this I have nothing left to say. This message is to all my It Works people. As you know I have not been posting as much about the business, and did not explain why to anyone because of discretionary reasons. I was told by the corporate team that if I disclosed anything that was going on I would be terminated. I feel that I have been threatened, bullied, and called a liar by the corporate staff. There have been groups of people who have started rumors about me for awhile now to try and bring me down, but for some reason corporate is taking them as facts now. I was told that I did not fit in with the organization anymore because other VIPs had issues with me, and I chose not to show up to some of the VIP functions. So in my opinion, they were telling me that I was not one of the “cool kids” because I would rather spend time with my team then go to VIP functions. My team is what has gotten me to where I am today, not the other VIPs. So of course I would rather spend time with my team at events to build up those relationships. Around the beginning of October I had found I was pregnant, and was really excited to meet up with members of my team at the upcoming green carpet event in Florida to let them all know and celebrate the news. Little did I know what was waiting for me there. When I got to Florida I was messaged that I needed to go to the corporate office and meet with Mark Pentecost. I had no idea what was going on, but didnt think much of it. When I got there I was directed into a room with Mark, Pam, and the It Works Lawyer Tim. While there, I was interrogated about false claims that had been started against me. I was told I hurt their feelings by not attending some of the VIP functions, and that I acted like I did not want to be part of the company. All of this being said after I had just signed four new distributors that same week. What was said next floored me. I was told that I was NOT welcome to attend the green carpet event even though I paid for my ticket, flight, and hotel to attend. I also could not tell anyone why or I would be terminated. So I got to sit in Florida horrified at what just happened and not talk to my friends/team about it. Ironically, I ended up winning the 20k Too Good award at that event, and I have a YouTube video of them lying as to why I was not there to accept it. Once I got back home, I shut down, and didnt talk to anyone. I was still worried about the threat of termination if I talked to anyone. I thought to myself, how could a company that I had put my heart and soul into for over three years do this to me. My team had made them millions of dollars, and in the end, I believe it came down to high school like politics and not business. On the 14th of October, I was called by Lawyer Tim telling me that my paycheck was to be put on hold while they investigated me further. It was clear to me at this point that they were just stalling in search for anything that could get me terminated. In my opinion, if they had evidence to terminate me and not just rumors, it would have already been done. They were holding my pay from the previous month that had already been completed, due to “rumors”. This did not sit well with me, so I got myself an attorney. My attorney contacted It Works to figure out what civil way we could work this whole mess out. The proposal that was created by It Works was not even close to acceptable to me. They sent over a proposal that stated that I allow my account to be terminated from the company. Also it stated that I would not tell anyone that I was terminated or talk about the matter to my team members for THREE YEARS. If I agreed to these terms I would be paid my previous months pay and the 20k bonus I had won. The way I understood that was, they didnt have proof of any wrongdoing, but still wanted to get rid of me with minimal public relation or legal issues. I rejected that proposal and my attorney let them know that I was willing to keep working on a solution with It Works, but they needed to pay me what was owed within the next 10 days. So now I sat idle as more and more rumors got spread. I still could not defend myself because I knew that I had to stay quiet until things played out. Anything I said could possibly be spun as a reason for termination. So now it has been 10 days from our final request to be paid, and as of this day, November 7 2014; my account is still open, I can log into my back office, people can still sign up to my team through my business page, but It Works still refuses to pay. I think their hope with this carrying on the way it has, is that I would resign or they could finally find some kind of evidence to terminate me with.. Sadly, in the end, I feel that It Works wanted to push me out of the company, and they have now officially succeeded. It is going on two months since It Works has paid me anything, and I cant keep working a business that refuses to pay me. Ultimately I wish things worked out with It Works, but it was not up to me. I made the company a lot of money, talked on stage for them at events, spoke on their corporate calls, took pictures for their magazines, but in the end, that was not enough to want to keep me I guess. I would like to say that I hope to work with my team members again at some point down the road, because I believe my team is what was truly special about this whole experience. I wish you all the best of luck in the future. Now I am off in search of new adventures, and believe that I have found a company that will be a good fit for me going forward.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 23:17:39 +0000

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