This is my little piece. Hope you like it...Share it around if you - TopicsExpress


This is my little piece. Hope you like it...Share it around if you do.. And we sit here in total isolation and say this doesnt have anything to do with us here in Australia. I love the current media washing of this issue, when if it was being done by Israel and or Christians it would be front page news. It is upsetting and uncomfortable, but I believe we can tolerate the TRUTH about the religion that claims it is PEACEFUL. So long as you are not Christian or opposed to the Islamic Sharia, you are safe. I will say it again. If the Australian government does not act more aggressively, we will have a homegrown terrorist event on Australian soil with the loss of innocent Australians. We are no different than the UK or the Europe on for that matter, Indonesia. The oil rich nation of Brunei has surrendered to Sharia Rule and as each day drifts by, huge areas of Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand are becoming no go areas for anyone, not predisposed to being called a follower of Sharia Law. So now lets us take a deep cleansing breath and steel our collective chins and deal with the Bully on the block. All bluster and huff. Lots of sword and sabre rattling, but when confronted, they sink away into the shadows, from which this evil ideology resides. In the dark and hidden recesses of its sick followers.. Why as Australian should be hide our heritage built on the shoulders of better men and women than most. Did they falter? Did they run away when faced with a threat? So what difference is it, when confronted with an Ideology that seeks to remove your freedoms firstly and if possible for head. At least Tony Abbott and the guts to call these Islamists and ISIL supporters out. You can no longer reside and take your fill from the generosity of a fine people, that are Australians. Dont think you can enter our homes and minds by stealth and use our freedoms to eat at the very roots of our freedoms and democracy. We are slow to anger, but once aroused you will find a different type of people. A people with courage, backbone and substance, not easy to scare. We have something that you will never have. A sense of purpose and a clear and determined goal. That to be free and unfettered to any tyrant or murderous threat. Our nation has faced many threats. Some more menacing that which you seek to bring to our shores, but dont be fooled by our slowness to act. For when we do awake, you may find that which welcomed you with open arms, now presents a different character. One steeled by sacrifice, love of family and a desire to be free above all else. Our Christian heritage has moulded our nations bedrock character and neither time nor subterfuge will overcome our collective stance against any such Noisy Giant upon the mountain. For with each step forward towards that noisy giant, we see, not a Giant, as first thought. But a small, bitter, hate filled gnat with a disposition for noise, with no substance. We wont be swayed by this noisy, fate filled ideology, nor shall we tolerate the arrogance of its scope. We are Australians. Strong. Free and once poked, you just may get more than you have bargained for. Take the hint. We wont say it again.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 10:40:21 +0000

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