This is my open letter to ECR Group (European Conservatives and - TopicsExpress


This is my open letter to ECR Group (European Conservatives and Reformist). Dear ECR Group Secretary General Frank Barrett, Dear ECR Group Spokeman Holtum, Dear Italian ECR national delegate Emanuele Sanguineti, Sorry for disturbing you. I am Giovanni Caccavello, an Italian 22-year-old student. Despite being born in Italy in 1991, I moved to the United Kingdom three years ago in order to begin my undergraduate studies in Economics and International Business at University of Strathclyde, in Glasgow. Along with my summer internships, my activism as a journalist and my future goals, I am currently spending my third year of academic studies in Germany (thanks to the Erasmus fund) and this summer I will able to follow a prestigous summer course on monetary policies at London School of Economics. At the same time, I am a political activist and I love trying to do my best to explain people my political ideas, my political vision and my political values. At both a European and national level, my ideals relate to yours. I strongly believe Europe has lost the path to long term prosperity and growth as well as its global race against other major economies such as the United States, China, India and Japan. I think Europe has become too much centralized and too distant to European citizens. The way to restore a trustful and deep relationship between European Institutions and European citizens is not to be found looking at the so-called United States of Europe. To me this concept sounds as fuzzy as dismal. The United States of Europe seems like a XIX century Romantic idea. If Europe wants to thrive once again it cannot make the same old mistakes. This means Europe cannot neither turning around, looking at a past where Nations were divided, nor thinking madly to follow the idea of a big federal Superstate. Europe can only succeed if it decides to follow a new direction where our differences are not only recognized but are the starting point to develop our collective strengthens. I believe, in fact, that only after understanding our diversities (languages, habits and costumes, histories, cultures) as well as our historical european traditions (which are stronger than we think) Europe as a whole will be able to improve its institutions and its relationship with all the member states. Cutting the European red tape; helping small and medium enterprises finding their way; developing, strengthening and opening all the markets in order to create a true single big European market; improving even further our relations to external economies (such us the northern Arabic countries, the US, Japan and other developing economies); challenge the problem of ageing population, unemployment and productivity and reforming deeply the architecture of Europe, are among the most important reforms and battles to fight for. I am writing to you not only to thank you for all the effort you are putting to pursue a better Europe, but also to ask you a help. I have a big dream: my main goal is to create a big and strong political group in Italy which could represent and support in the future the ECR Group during the European elections and not only. I would love to expand my political network in order to reach this crazy but wonderful idea. At the national level, my main objective is founding a new center-right party that could become the leading political movement in Italy in the next years. The Italian-center right is losing weight and, in these last 20 years, it has never been able to represent a clear vision of itself and of the Country: economic liberalism, meritocracy, laicism of the state, reformism, a dose of responsible nationalism and a good degree of conscientious europeism. I strongly believe in the ideals I am trying to pursue and I really hope you could give me a help. Even if small, it would be much appreciated. I will look forward to an answer. Again, I hope not to have disturbed you. Yours Faithfully, Giovanni Caccavello
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 22:04:42 +0000

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