This is my prayer to transcend ignorance. Let all beings bear - TopicsExpress


This is my prayer to transcend ignorance. Let all beings bear witness. I will remove all fear, anxiety, and aversion around mere experiences. I will not let psychological trauma, delusions, and compulsions control my life. I will detach from the past and overcome anxiety about the future. Instead i will have gratitude about every experience — even the undesirable. I will let go of ego and self-concern and instead be humble, relaxed, and accepting. I will forgive all who have transgressed me and my dear ones, and generate boundless compassion and love towards them. I will diminish the untamed monkey-mind and adopt the rock-solid foundation of focused attention, While also holding fast to patience in the certainty of more than enough time to live. I will let go of over-analysis and let myself experience in the present without attachment to the experience. I will not fear death at any level, gross or subtle. Indeed, i know the fulfillment and meaning of life come from what i create, inspire, and how much i love. I am perfect. Life is perfect. There is enough time and energy and resources. There is nothing to strive for, to attain, to acquire, to experience; There is only to be, to love, to give of myself. This is my prayer; May its merit be dedicated to all living things.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 05:19:52 +0000

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