This is my rant for the year... Im sorry for the length and - TopicsExpress


This is my rant for the year... Im sorry for the length and posting it to your feeds, but I could not silence my thoughts this time, on a day like today. Here I sit, on the 13th anniversary of 9/11, trying to enjoy reading a book while in the company of my grandparents. In the background, I listen in as the Fox News Channel starts to attack the generation of college-aged kids who according to them dont remember what the day meant to Americans and otherwise dont care about it anymore.. My generation attacked. Our generation of Americans. They think we dont care? That this date means nothing to us? Are the older generations really so much better than our own? We know very well the date. How could we forget? It haunts us every, single year since and on many days between. In fact, September 11th 2001 holds the most, vivid memories of any day I have ever lived in my 23 years. In my mind, the date still burns from the feeling I had while sitting in my 5th grade classroom, as we watched live television showing one tower of the World Trade Center with smoke billowing out from a giant hole in the side. I cant even describe it. Horrified, my classmates and I watched the exact moment a second airliner hit the adjacent tower. The simultaneous explosion and burst of flames caused audible shrieks of fear from around the classroom as we watched dazed and terrified. My teacher looked as white as a ghost with her hands cupped around her mouth, probably wondering where her daughter was in that moment; a resident of NYC. In that same instant, all speculation of the attack on American citizens was confirmed. Was this all real? As 10 year-olds, we first learned the real meaning of hate and of loss. We watched as the towers collapsed and the panicked people ran to escape the cloud of smoke and debris, which would soon engulf them. We witnessed bodies falling from the highest floors and people jumping with their last hopes of life. The t.v. cameras captured the fear and hurt on the faces of those fleeing. Helpless, we yearned to comfort those who were so close to ground zero. Why is this all happening? What have they done to deserve this? We watched the events unfold all day while at school until we were released early. To go home and be with our families. All extra-curriculars cancelled, but I would have given anything to be in school the whole day or to be at football practice that evening after a typical September 11th, where nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. Instead, I sat with my mom all night and cried and prayed for those who were lost and even more for those who had lost someone. My mother even told me why I should pray for the people who committed these crimes, something I had never heard before. She tried to explain to my 10-year-old self how things could have turned out this way. A tough issue for anyone to explain. God Bless America, United We Stand. Americans rallied together to overcome the pain this event caused. Our generation learned first hand from 9/11. These were some of our first significant memories that we will take throughout our lives .Hearing critics say this date means nothing to us makes my blood boil. Shame on Fox News! Running a story on the anniversary of this terrible event to poke fun at the younger generations of Americans rather than to remember those people we lost that day and extending our prayers. The college students you interviewed didnt forget the anniversary, you manipulated them into thinking the answer to the question was more far offor irrelevant. Of course, we remember September 11th. It is rooted in our only childhood. Like making fun of those crying at a funeral, your bullying tactics are lame and disrespectful. It is views like this that I hope our generation and those younger can reject and move past. Im proud to be an American, but Ill never watch your damn channel again. Fox News
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 22:48:01 +0000

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