This is my summary of SPUMORS from RTN & old PCI . Its long, and - TopicsExpress


This is my summary of SPUMORS from RTN & old PCI . Its long, and its a mix of actual spoilers, past spoilers that date back to pre SBu announcing he was leaving, and present spoilers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as the Wedding from Helloween(my term) is over, Jason is the new story, not b/c its all about him but b/c the villains are using him and have been using him for some time. Helena & Jerry play a big part, and its no coincidence that Lord Ashton is back, and Luke will soon be returning. Who is Fluke is also a part of this. Im wondering if he is Faison? JAKE/Jason will get his memories back in the near future, but will he get his same personality back? How will that affect the dynamic? Will he have to pretend to be the old Jason so that Helena & Jerry can get what they want? What do they want? Is it ELQ, GH, or the whole danged town of PC? Who Jason/Jake is with is (as in a couple) is a distraction. Who does Helena want revenge against? The Spencers is of course obvious. Does this have anything to do with Lulus baby? With Jake Spencer? If so, how? Jerry Jacks is obsessed/interested in both Sam & Liz. Think back to the MCHC. Sam acted strangely enough. She caused the problem that ended up trapping them all in the hotel until the safe would automatcally open again. (Typical Sam, trying to be a hero and making things worse.) Jerry should have shot her but didnt? Is there a reason? Does he have plans for her? Think back. When Ewen confronted Jerry at Wyndemere, what did he say to Ewen about LIz & Jason? Was he just trying to goad Ewen, or was he dropping hints that he has some kind of knowledge to use against Jason in the future? He admitted that he knew Jason was the father of Jake. How did Jerry just happen to know that? I know the secret was not well kept but come on. And Jerry said not much could keep Jason & Liz apart, even being married to others. Will Jerry use this knowledge again, now that he is back? This story has been stalled for the better part of the last 2 years due to SBus leaving and KMacs schedule. They are finally ready to finish it. Is Jerry working for Helena or vice-versa? How long has this been going on? Did it start as far back as the MCHC? Insiders say that this story arc has been started and stalled a couple of times. It was written by Guza and unless another key player leaves, RC plans to finish it this time. It said to be the gretest story arc ever written in soap history, involving the most people over the most time, using so much of GH overall history. Well see. https://youtube/watch?v=ZW_KJLCNzfM
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 19:25:34 +0000

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