This is nice and all, but Ive been wondering about something since - TopicsExpress


This is nice and all, but Ive been wondering about something since even before gas prices started to drop... I knew that the US had greatly increased our oil production in North Dakota and surrounding states, which helps lower oil prices. But, when ISIS started taking over oil fields in Iraq, I thought to myself that they would likely flood the world oil market with very CHEAP oil, because they wouldnt care too much if the price was very high. They would just want to sell as much of it into the market as they could, as quickly as they could, because ramping up revenues with HASTE would be more important to them than getting a high price. They have incredibly low overhead and they didnt have to invest anything (since they forcibly stole from those who who had legitimately aquired), so theyre not trying to pay off any debts that they owe to anyone else. Their ROI was automatically instantaneously met as soon as they sold their first barrel. Now, thinking about this put several other questions and thoughts in my mind regarding world players, politics of various nation leaders, motivation (and lack thereof) to stop ISIS, but I dont have time to go into all of those here. When first reading and hearing reports of them taking over oil fields, I thought that those oil fields would be rather easy to take back and put into legitimate hands, as they are usually far from urban areas, where a high tech military (such as the US) has a tremendous advantage, both in recapturing and in defending thereafter. And I also kept an eye on oil market prices to see if there would be a significant drop in oil prices. There was a decrease, but then when the price briefly increased I had a moment when I was wondering if my theory was incorrect (that oil prices would drop significantly due to this very CHEAP oil entering into the market making the median price lower). Eventually, OPEC opened the floodgates and the price dropped dramatically, which is exactly what I was expecting. So now, every time I fill up my tank, I see the price that is cheap in terms of dollars, but I cant help but think of those honest people who may have paid for it with a horrible demise, such as being shot, beheaded, raped, etc. so that radical ISIS could take over power of these vast resources. The worlds highest powers have to see what is happening and I wonder why we STILL continue to stand idly by without at least removing ISIS from these particular premises that are enabling them to rake in massive financing to support their most radical form of Islam. The many reprehensible crimes against humanity seem to be stealing the thunder from the story of ISISs ongoing thievery that enables them to have outrageous windfall financing which causes them to be able to continue their hellish acts.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 10:01:06 +0000

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