This is not a Republican/Democrat issue. BOTH are firmly into - TopicsExpress


This is not a Republican/Democrat issue. BOTH are firmly into this, as Obama has been secretly negotiating this treaty for YEARS. How do we stop them? It pretty much destroys any chance the world will have for any form of democracy. It would be a disaster were the TPP to pass and go into effect, for multiple reasons: it deregulates financial speculation; it eviscerates the ability of nations to enforce environmental regulations; it locks in a deeply unequal trade and intellectual property-rights regime, granting a handful of the world’s largest corporations monopoly protection; and it encourages the privatization of public services and public property. Worst of all, it, it globalizes the so-called Investor-State Dispute Settlement, or ISDS, which allows corporations and investors to “sue governments directly before tribunals of three private sector lawyers operating under World Bank and UN rules to demand taxpayer compensation for any domestic law that investors believe will diminish their ‘expected future profits.’”
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 03:22:26 +0000

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