This is not about seeing hate among nations, among - TopicsExpress


This is not about seeing hate among nations, among individuals, and judgments that permeate this world, in lowering the vibration of a more gentle reality, but existing beyond the separated thinking. It is absolutely important to recognize this more, to climb more of the ascension ladder, in accepting the vibration of your life to connect with that of a more fluid existence, in full consciousness. The resonance which is created by your soul vibration keeps you on an inwards focus to simply accept that you are going to continue to create based on your conscious awareness. Those who carry a lower conscious awareness are going to continue to create war, separation, disharmony, violence, and destruction, while increasing your conscious awareness comes with harmony, peacefulness, joy, and unity. The unification of your existence exists now, and keeps you on a reality transformation, in welcoming more of the inner changes which comes with a shifting as the light. All from the depths of your expansion into the new Earth comes a natural process of receptivity to every area of your life, in a more advanced nature in bliss. All through the calmness of evolving more into your true self, there exists a freedom of satisfaction, which you are each deeply connected to in fullness. This takes being open more to these transmissions, from who we are of the Galactic Federation of Light, of your angelic guardians into more transformed pathways of higher realms. It is important to notice that you are able to see the inner determination of being upgraded into endless service, in noticing that galactic space exists as a place for expansion and unison. It is not an area that is designed only for those who are here to divide, conquer, and destroy, instead of protecting life, in all of the life forms of a higher reality of joy. Your own determination of this process of accepting a more advanced reality of peace comes from recognizing all that is not peaceful inside of you, which is often full of judgments. The acceptance of your own self often connects you to accept those around you, not solely to try and change, but to exist in more of a fluid nature. As you notice water exists to flow through, around, within, over, and under surfaces, literally in adapting to every new situation that it is in, as to see your own life as a similar way of being creates massive awareness. This happens the more you are aware of your own ability to transform your life, when it is often not about seeing blocks in your auric field, in the upgrading of your existence. It is not important to focus solely on those around you who are unable to see the light inside of themselves, while the main focus exists in your life source. All through recognizing more that your intentions creates your existence, and intention set for the new Earth comes with hard work, focus, and inner frequencies of life.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 14:24:01 +0000

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