This is not my current situation but i have been there! - TopicsExpress


This is not my current situation but i have been there! Tired Huh? “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9 NIV) What do you do when you get tired? I’ m sure we all get tired from doing something whether it’s a job,waiting, taking care of a home, your kids, your business, lack. Everyone will use this word at least once in the course of their day. Well in my case, I am tired of going in circles. In order to not go in circles we must be willing to step outside of our comfort zone. I am also tired of waiting. It seems like everything we want or need requires a waiting process. As I go through this test in life, I find myself getting depressed, tired and discouraged. Many days and nights I cry and I tell myself that I can’t keep going, I don’t know how much more I can take. But I realized that God doesn’t put more on me that I can bear. Day after day I continue to go through the same thing over and over again. I had to realize in my own strength yes, I was tired, but I needed God’s strength in order to continue through this battle. I had to be remind myself that my life was not my own and what I was doing was going to eventually pay off. What I am doing is for God and he’s preparing me for what is to come. I was being trained. My faith and my patience were being tested. Just like the people in the Olympics, they don’t just do the Olympics. They might spend months at a time training ahead of time, but no one ever see’s them, we just see the end results of the testing and training. During my season of being tired, I allowed myself to become ungrateful and bitter and almost back into depression. I didn’t want to get up and do anything, but I was tired. Once reality set in, I was able to push past being tired and seek God’s strength so that I could continue on. I had to remind myself that I was seeking purpose and not pleasure and that God was going to eventually rescue me. Yes I may be tired , but I have to keep moving. Don’t allow your current circumstances to cause you to quit, it may be bad today, but trouble doesn’t last always, keep pushing, keep seeking Gods face and your due season will show up. Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for giving us your word that we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us. Continue to give us strength as we fight to win this race. We thank you for running this race before us and giving us assurance that this battle has already been won. Thank you for making us winners and not quitters. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 10:31:51 +0000

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