This is not my normal sermon, its very important though for - TopicsExpress


This is not my normal sermon, its very important though for everybody to read this, so I am re-posting this. God bless all of you, in much brotherly Love Pastor Jim. IRAQ CONFLICT - PROPHETIC ANALYSIS AND PROJECTION Hello my brothers and sisters, This a report on what is really happening in Iraq. This is a report from Jack Harris, who is a missionary and pastor planting churches over there. AT THE ROOT: THIS IS A WAR BETWEEN SUNNI AND SHIITE MUSLIMS DIVISION OF IRAQ INTO THREE SEPARATE STATES I dont think this conflict is going to resolve. The event may ebb and flow, stabilize and fall apart but the outcome will perhaps look something like this; 1. The Kurds in the North 2. The Sunnis in the middle 3. The Shia in the South Theres also the force of the current Syrian civil war behind this. The Syrian conflict has created a staging ground for a number of radical Islamic forces to come together and unite for the common goal of destroying the European map of the Middle East established after the defeat of the German and the Ottoman Turkish Empires at the conclusion of World War One. The whole of the Ottoman Empire was remapped by Great Britain and France into the current configuration of the Middle East today. The smoldering embers of old rivalries have never been extinguished and have reignited into the conflagrations we see constantly emerging today. PERSPECTIVE: The events and aftermath of WW1 reemerged as WW2. The events and aftermath of those two world wars are drawing us, inexorably, toward a dreaded Third World War. While oil may play a major role in the big picture, many seem to lose sight of the fact of these old rivalries as the true driving force behind Mid-Eastern conflict. In fact, Oil has become an economic weapon used to manipulate the outcome of a far older secret war being fought today which has its roots in the 6th century AD. This is an intense religious conflict and rivalry between Sunni and Shiite Muslims. The hidden or secret war most are unaware of is between two nations that have drawn todays international community into this rivalry; Iran and Saudi Arabia. Both these countries have played the nations like manipulated pieces on a chessboard to lash out and attempt to defeat one another; using their oil, location, politics and wealth to tip the scales in their favor for the control of the Islamic world. The difference between now and when I first went into Iraq, soon after the Liberation, is that today we have no US troops on the ground. The failure of the new Iraqi Army to fight the insurgents in Mosul and Tikrit (both Sunni territory) I suspect, is more a matter of complicity on the part of the latter than cowardice. News headlines reported the execution of large number of young Iraqi soldiers who were captured or surrendered. only a few reports have pointed out that its mostly the Shia soldiers, culled from the Sunnis, that were slaughtered. THE GHOST OF SADDAM The Sunni Officers and Soldiers from Saddams former Baathist Army are being called together to join the insurgent forces. The insurgents brand of terror tactics were their modus operandi in controlling the majority Shiite population in the south and Kurds in the north. These two groups may work together for the common interest of a Sunni State but each has its own agenda and in the end, most likely, will fight it out among themselves. OUR FRIENDS AND FAITHFUL ALLIES, THE KURDS At the beginning of the Iraq War, it was the Kurds who opened their territory to our forces, As one friend of mine ( a General in the KRG Security Forces) told me concerning those days,Our soldiers fought shoulder to shoulder with your soldiers. Our blood was mingled with that of your own. The Kurds are an entirely different ethic group from their Turkish, Arabic and Persian neighbors. Their native territories comprise Eastern Turkey, a part of Southern Syria, Northern Iraq and Northern Iran. Theyve been here from Time Immemorial. Yet the common denominator in all the countries where they reside except for Iran has been the forced denial of their ethnic identity as a people. For example, for years it was illegal in Turkey for them to call themselves Kurds, to speak their native language or to wear their traditional garments. They were to refer to themselves as Mountain Turks. In Syria,though they have been among the population for generations, they are denied the rights of citizenship. In Iraq, Saddam Hussein insisted they identify themselves as Arabs, When they refused to do so, their lands were taken from them and they were forcibly relocated from their mountain lands to the desert of the south. their lands and properties were given to Arab citizens. This process was referred to as ARABISATION. Later he attempted to eradicate them as a people. The Kurds of Iraq are predominantly Sunni moderates opposed to radical Islam. KIRKUK, A BONE OF CONTENTION As the reports come in concerning the fall of Iraqi cities to the insurgents a number of new reports, apparently wanting to sensationalize this break up of Iraq have headlined, Kurds seize control of Kirkuk! giving the impression that the Kurds are part of Iraqs problem. When the ISIS insurgent forces were coming for Kirkuk the Iraqi Army left without firing a shot. Once more, I suspect Sunni Arab complicity as more likely than fear of the insurgents. These guys literally abandon one of Iraqs most important cities to the insurgency. It was the Kurds who saved the city! Had they not moved in, Kirkuk would now be in the hands of the IS forces. Without argument the Kurds have long desired the control of the city, why? The answer is simple, its a Kurdish city! THE BBC SUMS IT UP FAIRLY AND ACCURATELY * Under Saddam Husseins programme of Arabisation, Kurds were driven from Kirkuk and replaced with settlers from the South, and the Iraqi government continues to assert control over nearby oilfields, with the backing from the local Turkmen community. *The Kurdistan Regional Government, which administers three provinces to the north-east, is pushing for Arabisation to be reversed. *In May 2013, Kurdish fighters took up positions on the outskirts of Kirkuk after Iraqi security forces were deployed to deal with Sunni militants elsewhere. * A census and referendum on the affiliation of the province has been repeatedly delayed by the broader political crisis in Iraq. BLOOD MOONS: THE PROPHET JOEL The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come. Joel 2:31 All ancient peoples were Sky Watchers including the ancient Hebrews. For the Hebrews, astrology was forbidden but there was a strong understanding that Gods purpose for creating the observable heavenly bodies was to give light upon the earth and to serve as markers for the seasons and for important signs from Him. My understanding of Joels prophecy is that at the time of the end of the age, Gods judgement falls, humanity is called into account and the Messiah returns. Before this happens there are to be distinct heavenly signs which will be the harbinger of things which are about to unfold prophetically. What Joel describes in the above prophecy are, at least for me, obviously eclipses of the Sun and Moon. Not just any eclipse, which were as common in Joels day as our own, but rather, those which would be recognizable and have special meaning for the Jews as well as Christians. BLOOD MOONS AND JEWISH HOLY DAYS Four blood-red total lunar eclipses will fall on Passover and Sukkot in 2014 and 2015, the same back-to-back occurrences happened in 1493,1949, and 1967. All of these years were major events in Jewish history. * 1493 All Jews expelled from Spain * 1949 Israel forms its Knesset * 1967 Six Day War the Jews regain control of Jerusalem Pastors Mark Blitz and John Hagee have both published books on the occurrences of the four Blood Moons in 2014 and 2015. Though theyve been cautious not to set dates concerning the return of Christ, theyve pointed out the Biblical significance of this phenomena for last day prophetic events. My purpose isnt to reproduce their work, which is worthy of every believers consideration. My point is that since the appearance of the first Blood Moon on Passover in April of this year there has been a radical reshaping of the Middle Eastern map. I doubt that this apperance is just coincidence. I dont think these special signs in the heavens are necessarily predictive of specific events as much as heralds to declare a prophetic season about to unfold. Jesus warned us to watch and pray. THE ISAIAH 19 PROPHECY Currently there are a number of prophetic scriptures being pointed out and emphasized that quite possibly have the potential of being fulfilled before our eyes. The one Im mostly concerned about is the Isaiah 19 prophecies. Its my belief that this entire prophecy must be understood in the context of unfolding history;i.e., past present,future. I believe the things that we see unfolding are verses 22-24. ISAIAH 19:22-24 22 And the Lord shall smite Egypt: he shall smite and heal it: and they shall return even to the Lord, and he shall intreated of them. 23 In that day shall there be a highway out of Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come to Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians. 24 In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land: 25 Whom the Lord of host shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel mine inheritance. Sicken by the violence against Christians by radical Islam, many Egyptian Muslims are showing great favor toward them. The new government is reported to be rebuilding Churches destroyed by the radicals. We are also receiving reports of great revival breaking out around the country. Egypt is the only Arab country to recognize Israel legally as a nation. MY CONCLUSIONS Many have asked me, What do you fell is happening in Iraq and the Middle East? Whether you buy into the significance of Blood Moons or not, since the appearance of this first one on Passover, April 15, we have seen the Middle East explode with war and unbelievable brutality, Christians, Yezedis, Kurds and Muslims who resist are being slaughtered like cattle; men, women and children. Millions have been driven fro their homes. The world map is changing day by day before our eyes. As I write the IS insurgency is gaining ground with the declared intent of establishing a new Muslim Caliphate to control the whole Middle East with their avowed purpose being destruction of the West. Russia is grabbing territory in Ukrain, China is making economic overtures toward Russia. Hammas, Irans Palestinian surrogate, is battling it out with Israel in Gaza. As world news decries Israels barbarity for defending themselves, world opinion continues to turn against them. Yet comparatively little is said about the torture, mass murder, public executions, be headings, the rape of women and human trafficking taking place in Iraq and Syria. All in the name of the God of Islam. All this and only one Blood Moon past. One down, three to come. There is, in my opinion, the real possibility of a 3rd World War breaking out. GLOOM,DOOM AND DESPAIR? No, I believe that God is and always will be in control. HE said, When you see these things look up, your redemption is drawing near. He also told us to Occupy or do business until HIS return. I believe that out of this present darkness the light is about to appear. I think were going to see the fulfillment of the Isaiah 19 prophecies, in fact, I think theyre imminent. I believe were going to see Israel, Egypt and Assyria (todays Kurdistan) unite into a God-fearing coalition which will be a blessing in the land just as Isaiah foretold it. I also believe a great harvest is coming and that were to be part of it if we will hear HIM and obey. There are now one million refugees in Kurdistan of Iraq. Once more we find ourselves right in the center of the conflict. Is this an accident? I dont think so, we were strategically placed here ten years ago. Now theres a Harvest to bring in. There are persecuted Christians and other groups on the streets to feed and help. Lastly, we need a facility to work from. Weve been trying for several years to get a church built without success but we need it desperately, now! Not only to worship in but to house refugees, to feed them and direct them. This is the time! if you would like to donate, this is the address. pci missions (Iraq) po box 1769, Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730. Thank you and God bless you.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 22:21:53 +0000

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