This is not my usual style, but nonetheless I felt it important to - TopicsExpress


This is not my usual style, but nonetheless I felt it important to write about. Comments and feedback would be appreciated America I’m proud to be an American, Where at least I know I’m free- At least, that’s the way it used be, Before corruption brought freedom to its knees. This country was founded by the people, for the people Now it’s full of evil, watch the masses die ill, And starve and suffer, as the rich get rich, As the poor lose more, their rights tossed out the door. As the politicians laugh and pass laws all too rash, The only color they see is green, as they count their dirty cash, And blood money, it’s all too funny when you think about it, You can cus and spit, but at the end of the day, you still have no say. Corrupt power has overtaken the land like a dark tower, Law enforcement does nothing as the citizens cower, It’s all in vein, causes too much pain, Ozzy had it right- we’re all on a crazy train. Look past the borders, there’s still killing and shame, I thought America was above that? Thought it was more tame, Guess not- all they care for is the fame, Our elected leaders are no better than Iraq’s Hussain. We need a leader, who actually wants what’s best, Not someone who’s as ridiculous as the rest, But that doesn’t seem to be happening. A country once blessed- A country that’s now full of tainted duress. America, the beautiful no more, We’ll all shed a tear when you fall, Unless the people can realize, This countries on the edge of a genocide
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 20:54:34 +0000

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