This is not normal for me to have a rant on FB, but today, I am - TopicsExpress


This is not normal for me to have a rant on FB, but today, I am going to have one. I get SOO tired of hearing people argue amongst each other about each others GOD. Pagans argue that our Gods are bigger and better then the Christian God. Christians argue that no other religion is correct if we do not believe in God “their” way. Are people really so naive as to believe that each religion really has a DIFFERENT God? I once held a class in my group. I held up an object. And we were to pretend that object was God. I asked that each person pick three things that they noticed most about God. We had a group of about 20 people. When everyone was done, we compared notes. We found that there were groups of people that noticed the same things about the object, while other groups noticed other attributes of the object. When we were done, we had about four groups of a few people in each one. I explained that this is how religions were created. Religions are groups of people that see God in a similar way. My groups of people were all diverse in their concept of the object I choose to be God. But yet, the object they all viewed was the SAME object. I then explained that as an individual person, we also have many faces. For example, I am a mother, a friend, a sister, a high priestess, a cousin, etc... and I serve different parts of my self in each of these different roles that I play. But yet, I am at the core, just one person. I am sure the one thing that we can ALL agree on is that the Great Divine Spirit that created life, is so vast, and so great, and so majestic, that we as mortals can in no way be able to fully understand or comprehend. We tend to put the Divine in a “box” in a way that we can understand and connect on a spiritual level. And this would also explain the different religions. Groups of people that see God in a similar way. I remember a story of a man who prayed that God would come visit him on Christmas Eve. Three times he had a knock at the door. Three times, the visitors were all different, all in need of something. The man invited each of them in. Provided their needs, and spent time with them. At the end of the evening, he prays again. He did not understand why God did not visit as promised. And God replied, I did visit you, three times. Is it really too much to entertain the idea, that NO ONE has ever seen the true face of God. God does not have a face. God always has, and always will show him or herself to people as they expect to see God. God has shown himself in forms as Jesus, Odin, Heckate, Buddha, Diana, and the list goes on and on. I am also tired of the Christian bashing. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the Christian religion, or any religion for that matter. There are many roads to the Divine. The roads traveled may go different routes, but they all end up in the same place. I am NOT a Christian, for two reasons alone. One, I do NOT feel that Jesus Christ is our only way to salvation. In my opinion, Jesus was a GREAT prophet! But if there was just ONE thing that could possibly have been misunderstood, or just did not happen, would be the virgin birth. Every other miracle the world has ever seen has happened more then just once. Miracles still exist every day. A virgin birth has never been. Maybe this truly made Jesus the one and only son of God, or maybe as Jesus said, we are all children of God, that we can all perform what he did, with the faith of just a mustard seed. I believe his daddy was most likely Joseph. I do not know, I was not there. But NO ONE can know that for sure. What I do know, is that Jesus did not teach RELIGION, he taught A WAY OF LIFE. He taught LOVE. He performed miracles, he performed magick. He taught us not to judge others. If the Christian religion was built on the teachings of Christ alone, I would have no disagreements. I happen to think Jesus was the greatest witch who ever lived. Two, I do not believe in a hell. I as a parent know that there is NO way, NOTHING that my children could EVER do that would make me cast them away, much less to a fiery pit of hell. God loves us more then we can love ourselves. This simply does not make sense that he would create us less then perfect, then punish us for it. I believe that was a human creation to scare people into religious control. I have a book series I strongly urge everyone to read. Conversations With God, by Neale Donald Walsch. He has written several books that he claims has come from his own dialogue with God. When I first read that, I was skeptical. But within reading it, there is so much that resonates in my soul to know to be true. And it is written in a way that brings all religions, all misconceptions, all things, to a level of understanding. To bring my rant to a close. I consider myself a Spiritualist. The “box” I use is Pagan. And in the Pagan world, there is a Deity for everything. I again want to remind everyone, that even though we call them by different names, and use different aspects of the Divine for our rituals and such, and they most certainly do have very specific energy fields, and very different feels. But they are still all just an aspect, a personality, if you will, that you pull from the source. When I post something or say something about God, and you have to ask which God? My answer is simple, However he or she shows him or herself to you. People do not need a RELIGION. They need a RELATIONSHIP with God. An excerpt from the book, “ Listen to your feelings. Listen to your Highest Thoughts. Listen to your experience. Whenever any one of these differ from what youve been told by your teachers, or read in your books, forget the words. Words are the least reliable purveyor of truth. Listen to me in the truth of your soul. Listen to me in the feelings of your heart. Listen to me in the quiet of your mind. My truth – and your surest help in time of need – is as awesome as the night sky, and as simply, incontrovertibly, trustful as a babys gurgle. It is as loud as a pounding heartbeat and is as quiet as a breath taken in unity with me. I will not leave you, I cannot leave you, for you are my creation and my product. My daughter and my son, my purpose and my.... Self. Call on me, therefore, whenever and wherever you are separate from the peace that I am. I will be there. With truth. And light. And love.” End of rant.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 21:10:53 +0000

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