This is not really a review but I figured I would share this - TopicsExpress


This is not really a review but I figured I would share this little Commentary of sorts here since it is fitting and all. "A Clockwork Orange" is one of my all time favorite films, Ever since I saw it as a child I have held it near and dear. Now, On a side note, I recently have taken u reading and decided to pick up a copy of the original novel the film is based on. Here I would like to just say that this has to be one of the best Book to Film transitions ever made as it pays out the events of the novel spectacularly but I did notice quite a few things that the film either changed or added and in some parts left out completely. Here I will place a SPOILER WARNING for those of you who have not seen the film or read the book or for some reason have neglected this wonderful story altogether , which is a shame for sure. I am going to skip the small things and focus on the two main plot points that stood out the most to me. First when Alex goes to jail in the film , very little is shown or explained about his two year stint before being released to the Ludovico experiment. In the book however Alex gathers up a small group of friends , which all get back stories and characters and while in with this new gang Alex commits yet another murder. I feel this would have made for a interesting few scenes at least in the film. The other main difference between the book and the film is obviously the ending, Now first off the original American release of the book ends at chapter 20 and in that case , exactly where the film leaves us. However, The original story released in the UK had a 21st chapter (Has since been released in the U.S. in full ) where Alex is shown to have gathered a new group of droogs and eventually realizes that his violent past is behind him as he decides to grow up and seek love and a family as opposed to the old Ultra-Violence and in out in out. Here I feel the film did a better job with the ending, It is nice to have the story wrapped up in a pretty little bow and have some nice closure,the traditional happy ending but, I like how the film ends off with the viewer not quite knowing what is next for young Alex as it is clear in the final scene that Alex has indeed been cured and has went back to his original mindset he was in before prison. All in all the film does an awesome job telling the story aside from those two major differences and a few small things that were changed,taking out or added to the film for whatever effect. If you have not seen the film, I have to ask "what the hell is wrong with you?" it is a classic for sure and as for the book, If you enjoy reading it is a awesome read. Although it is a bit hard to translate at first with all the odd Shakespeare-esque dialog kind of slang used throughout, Once you gather what the words mean it is a really fun read and a breeze to get through.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 07:46:11 +0000

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