This is not separating self from the system at all, just another - TopicsExpress


This is not separating self from the system at all, just another level/layer. They want us morally bankrupt, they gain power from it. They just love how backwards we become, it is their creation. After all isnt it them who push these things on TV and Magazines for us to follow while on the other hand tell you dont do it? Masters of deception using their Philosophy and Science. It amazes me more and more everyday how morally bankrupt backwards thinking so called Educated,smart people are. How they claim to be against the corruption yet inwardly and morally support it. Hypocrites! Whats wrong with judgement? If we werent so afraid of judging/ridicule on small affairs maybe the larger issues wouldnt be so out of control. Again backwards thinking! there are guidelines to righteousness and when they are not followed judgement is in order. People are fine with letting a satanic follower wearing a black robe and a hammer to UNJUSTLY condemn us for non crimes and money BUT if a righteous person opens their mouth for a persons or communities betterment when the guidelines are broken they are out of line? UGK!. A man was posting flyers for a child molester and murder of 5 children and another man ran out of his building and ripped it up,yelling at him who do you think we are in this community? We dont judge here, we dont rat each other out! This kind of mentality is a big part of why the dark are gaining strength.. They preach love and stab you in the back literally or with lies. How do you think the Indians were slaughtered? With words of peace and love! If you know something is wrong you open your mouth not shut it and walk away or you are supporting it. If more people feared being judged by their peers we wouldnt have all the chaos we have today. Years ago they couldnt get away with these things in the open because people cared enough to open their mouth. Who do you think is really behind all this dont judge garbage? Dont even tell me the bible says that because that verse is taken out of contents and their are a few others that do in fact say ye are to judge on minor issues and if you dont you are just as guilty as the person committing the crime 2-3 witnesses to judge a crime, not one..Im so sick of the brainwashing techniques that have worked on society today, SOOO SICK and TIRED!! These are the days when whats right is wrong and visa versa! What is the number one killer of humanity? What has killed more people then all the wars since Vietnam, all the illnesses and gang violence? MOTHERS! Yet many of these woman also claim to be against the Cabal/Khabal. This is a huge part of the depopulation program!! They disguise it as a womans right to chose and fools fall for it and chose murdering their own child for selfish wants. The hypocrisy must stop!! You can not claim to be against a corrupt system yet support it on a personal level when it suits you.If you are morally deficient you are supporting their goals. Shit or get off the pot already! Be honest!
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 13:20:40 +0000

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