This is not to take anything away from filmmakers, but with - TopicsExpress


This is not to take anything away from filmmakers, but with regards to film festivals, here are some things Ive noticed as a growing trend: 1. Submitting your film to a festival means just that, you didnt get accepted. Youre not guaranteed an acceptance. You either get in or you dont. Ive seen too many filmmakers advertising the festivals in which theyve submitted, and their wording and boasting literally indicates that theyve gotten in. This is deceiving to the laymen. While it might be great for marketing, hype, and attention in your eyes, to others who dont know any better, it works, but for those like yours truly, I cannot take you seriously. Personally, Ive only ever advertised festivals in which Ive been accepted as an Official Selection. If I were to review your resume and/or site and/or films history and compare it to the way your films been advertised as accepted by the world, well, those are different realities. Of course, there are films that have played tens, of not 100+ festivals, but submitting and acceptance are two very different things. 2. Do you know the difference between TIFF and the Short Fil Corner in Cannes? Well, TIFF can stand for: •Toronto Independent Film Festival •(name of town starting with T) Independent or International Film Festival •anything else but Toronto International Film Festival Be honest when using acronyms. As for the Short Film Corner in Cannes, well, its just that. A corner. A section where films play on kiosks and what not, all as a means to connect the filmmaker why, say, a buyer, distributor, etc. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, but when Facebook starts to flood with we-got-into-Cannes posts, one thing you have to ask yourself is: How many films could Cannes possible select as an Official Selection? Do a little research, and youll see what Im talking about for yourself. 3. So now the truth is out and you didnt get into TIFF or Cannes. So now what? Throw the film away? Nope! There are thousands of festivals out there, most of which have better audiences, are more suitable to you and your film, and so on. I wont go into detail, and at the risk of sounding arrogant Ill say this: know why youve read a lot about FOR CLEARER SKIES? Easy! Because Ive submitted to or have been invited by nearly 100 festivals, screening events, and conventions BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER being rejected from TIFF and Cannes, and Sundance. And where did FOR CLEARER SKIES play alongside Curfew, the Oscar-winning film? At the Vaughan Film Festival of course! Filmmakers, be honest! Youre obvious. Want to be taken seriously? Dont tell these jokes! Want to be a professional? Dont do and say amateurish things! Im not anybody special, but Ive been around for a little hit, and I can see a lot farther around and behind the curtain. And you know all those filmmakers, actors, etc, whom you aspire to? Well, they do their share of fibbing, but they do it better than you and have done more of it... just like you! It might land you success, it might not, but film is a medium in which we watch and listen. Theyre watching and listening... ...least I am...
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 20:37:45 +0000

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