This is obviously a gross photoshopped montage of Benny Hinn - TopicsExpress


This is obviously a gross photoshopped montage of Benny Hinn destined to bring as much discredit to his ministry as possible, and that is NOT my purpose at all, only to bring some facts to light concerning the supernatural manifestations, and what is a counterfeit from what is true. Benny Hinn has actually confessed a few things on TBN years ago, asking everyone for forgiveness (musta been heavy on his conscience, like the pushing of people at neck level in a way to destabilize their center of gravity -makes them fall easy- justifying it in order to cause faith to emerge in peoples hearts during the gathering...) We know that Kathryn Kullman did the same thing in her time, where a bunch of people in the first rows were agreeing accomplices to fall or be pushed back from their chairs by the wind and the power of our dear Holy Spirit in order to create the same kind of impression on people from the get go, and as such helping the greater part of her curious or incredule audience to get in the right mood, causing their faith to flare up... Years ago, in Europe, i myself have been (gently but forcefully) pushed a few times by ministers (some of them from the US, crossing abroad on a mission to show us Gods power..) who probably believed the same thing, being the obedient disciples of the same school of thought as K.Kullman, Oral Roberts, TL Osborn, B. Hinn &Co... And im not saying that the faith caused by these fake instances isnt THEN real, since people are obviously SINCERELY deceived, but that being prefabricated is in my book much opposed to Jesus & Pauls teachings of absolute integrity in ministry (they who teach us bear greater responsibility, therefore will also be judged more severely per Paul) However, I HAVE experienced the real thing with Holy Spirit, and i DO know that when He suddenly takes away your physical strength (mostly to reveal that in Him we have our being & motion -per Paul again, which has the indeniable advantage to make us realize (in wonder) how CLOSE to us He actually is, yet in such discreet & respectful way...) And of course, when He does that, you basically have nothing left to keep standing (scripturally confirmed by the biblical record that the prophets who received the privilege to have a personal revelation of Him, ALL fell on their face as if dead and shaking like a leaf for most of them, until He would rise them to their feet and stabilize them by His own sovereign might...), and yes, you might collapse straight down on yourself, being powerless on the floor for a while... (or if it is a partial removal, you just act kind of goofy like as if drunk, same as in 2nd chapter of Acts in Jerusalem, where it was noted by visitors from other nations that those benefiting from the first ever HS outpouring -which had been promised to them by Jesus Himself- looked drunk, and to whom Peter gave a lengthy, detailed & perfect explanation, quoting prophet Joel about it, as being Gods Promise that had since been awaited by the jews for many centuries... No orchestration to activate faith had been done, except maybe the typical/normal/regular worship service leading to it, and thats it. And as far as im concerned, there was never anyone touching me when it happened, so i know it could only be God in His sovereignty, demonstrating it as an act of kindness & mercy to me (often finding myself being changed & stirred up inside -during & afterwards mind you), feeling like waves going through me, or even a kind of bubbling effect from head to toe, along with a great & wondrous feeling of freedom, peace & joy, making me crack up silly, feeling & even acting drunk in the most healthy way, sometimes also in tears & wheeping, alternating with laughter... A great and liberating feeling, i can assure you of that much, but almost every time, i was on my own with no other witnesses than the Trinity, their angels & i... an intimate/private thing He sometimes endows His kids with, that is exclusive to them (but which can possibly happen publically as well, as shown in the biblical record of Acts 2) Kp/SBR.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 03:24:48 +0000

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