This is one area that makes me angrier than just about anything - TopicsExpress


This is one area that makes me angrier than just about anything else. If you support HSUS, PETA, or a plethora of other groups like them, I am seriously hoping it is because you have not truly researched what most of them are really about. Because if you have and you still support them then I seriously question your intelligence. These groups are doing nothing to save animals. When they lobbied and had the language put into funding bills that basically shut horse slaughter down, they used some pretty alarming video, claiming they were trying to save horses from those horrible deaths. What they failed to tell people was those videos were not filmed in U.S. based slaughter facilities, but in Mexico. They did not save horses from that horrible death, they sentenced them to it. In slaughter facilities in the U.S. horses were humanely and painlessly euthanized. No one is claiming that no horses suffered prior to their death, in fact some of them were there as a means to end their suffering, however, they did not suffer as a result of the slaughter process or the way they were treated at the facilities. After slaughter was shut down, the horse market went to nothing, horses became cheap cheap cheap, and every joe schmoe out there bought a horse, without even realizing what it took to care for them. They didnt geld their stallions, they ran studs and mares together and the horse population has sky rocketed. As a result unwanted horses have been left to starve to death, or simply just turned out to fend for themselves. The problem is that most domestic horses do not know to fend for themselves, so they either starve or wander into towns where they are often severely injured so then they starve to death while in excrutiating pain. In 2011, yes TWO YEARS AGO, the wording was left out of funding bills that prevented inspectors for slaughter facilities, but they still havent been able to reopen because HSUS has fought it in court. The facilities have done everything by the book, but HSUS continues to bring gregarious fights. The lawmakers have made the decision because the people of the US spoke up and even PETA has changed its stance on horse slaughter to that of most horse producers. We wish it wasnt a necessity but it is. And by the way if you didnt know this already, about 98% of the animals that were rescued by HSUS last year died in deplorable conditions AFTER their rescue. That is what few were actually helped with the 1% of so of the billions of dollars in donations to HSUS that dont just go to pay some lobbiests salary!!!
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 16:31:19 +0000

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