This is one of my most favorite messages ever at our church. Its - TopicsExpress


This is one of my most favorite messages ever at our church. Its all about what God wants for each and every young woman in the world. Even if you dont have time to listen to the whole message, just reading the intro here will be a huge blessing to you. If you dont really understand some or all of it, but are curious to know more, please let me know because Id love to have a girl-to-girl talk sometime with you about it to help you understand better. I know the Bible can be very confusing sometimes, especially to someone who hasnt grown up with it like I have. Todays world, culture, and society tells women to be independent, bold, loud and even pushy if need be to get what we need or think were entitled to. We see it on TV shows and commercials, advertisements, movies, in music, at school, college, at work, and perhaps even from our own mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and friends. But this goes completely against what God, the Creator of the world, Who knows us best and knows whats best for us because He created each of us, calls us to in order to have the most blessed life. He wants us to be gentle, loving, and selfless (shocker!), so that we may find the true love, fulfillment, contentment and peace our inner souls most desperately crave and desire. My prayer for myself (for believe me, I daily struggle and seriously need Gods help in this because there is absolutely no way I could ever do it on my own) and for all my young women friends, is that we cultivate a gentle, loving, selfless attitude and lifestyle so that we can live the blessed, peaceful, fulfilled, content and full of love life God promises us if we follow His Word. And also so that we can be a true blessing to others. Who do you enjoy spending more time with - a sweet, calm, gentle, selflessly loving woman, or a loud, pushy, selfish, self-centered woman? I know my answer. And I also dont want to be the type of woman I cant stand to be around. God, please help me in this! He Who promises is faithful: Psalm 145:13b (NIV) The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 14:15:48 +0000

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