This is one of the MOST IMPORTANT messages you will ever read and - TopicsExpress


This is one of the MOST IMPORTANT messages you will ever read and if you act upon it, InshaAllah we can defeat the Zionists. Israel, with a population of a mere 7 million people, challenges and overcomes a population of 2 billion Muslims. This is why: - At iftari time or when we go to a wedding there are bottles of COCA-COLA or LILT on the table. - When we Muslims wake up, almost all of us brush our teeth with COLGATE and eat NESTLE cereals. - When we bathe our babies we use JOHNSON & JOHNSON & change their nappies with HUGGIES. - When we go shopping for groceries we go to TESCO OR SAINSBURYS. - when we shop for clothes we go to RIVER ISLAND, MARKS AND SPENCERS. - When we are thirsty we drink EVIAN or VOLVIC - We use LOREAL and CLINIQUE when we use face or hair products . - We go to STARBUCKS or drink NESCAFÉ when we want some caffeine. - When we crave for chocolate we buy NESTLE products such as KITKAT, or QUALITY STREETS. - when we are hungry we buy ice cream or food from McDonalds. Have YOU ever paused to think that ALL of these are Zionist owned companies who openly support the Israeli army and contribute millions of pounds to them. From the time Muslims wake up every morning till we go to bed we are slaves of the Zionists products. How do WE expect to be liberated when WE CANT even liberate OURSELVES!!!! During Ramadan we sacrifice food and drink for 30 days we have tremendous self-restraint. Surely it should be easy to sacrifice our desires of Zionists goods. STOP contributing to your OWN destruction. If you cant stop patronising them, then stop this hypocritical whining of Zionist double standards when you YOURSELVES practise double standards!!! We need to teach our kids ourselves not to buy Zionists products. Dont be tempted by their buy 1 get one free or special offers. Lets hurt them in their pockets with our army of 2 Billion Muslims! We can wipe off billions and billions of pounds off their profits if we stick to the boycotts. The next time you get tempted to buy a Zionist products, THINK of yourself as paying for the harassment and death of Palestinians, and how much you cried for them..remember buying their goods means supporting the Israeli army and the Zionist government to build new settlements!! We will win this war INSHAA ALLAH! They have endured their children dying infront of them.. Imagine living without our children. Send it to every contact .. Even the ones you are unsure about and spread the world ..lets get it global. Next time you go into a shop or takeway and see a Muslim behind the counter tell him to stop selling Coca cola and point him to all the other Zionists products. Boycott TESCOs. Those people in Birmingham..think 80% of the people who shop there are Muslims. If everyone stop going there they would shut within 12 months ... Lets set a precedent and let the world know how we get together we can bring the TESCOs DOWN and anyone else!! We have All had the list of companies to boycott .. They can be searched on google. If you want to go a step further print leaflets of all the companies and put them up in shops and Mosques. Spread the word please . Look at what lots of non Muslims are doing for the Palestinians. Click on the link below. Its time to make a stance. Its time to strike back at the Zionists. Be part of the fight.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 20:08:46 +0000

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