This is one of the interviews that made me really annoyed with - TopicsExpress


This is one of the interviews that made me really annoyed with what I ended up seeing on screen in #Noah Grow some balls Aronofsky and own up to taking some serious creative license. There is nothing wrong with doing that - but you have to own it. You jacked with plotline and basic narrative in huge ways - and it could have been a really interesting story inspired by the Noah bible story - but you pretty much trashed that by clinging to this its all in the bible line. Oh and spending a fortune on what looked like sub-par CGI - those animal sequences were about as realistic as Spongebob. A short list of the more obvious departures: (possible spoilers) Rock Monsters Barren adopted daughters getting pregnant with twins and Noah vowing to murder them 2 sons not having wives and one of them not being old enough to marry Armadillo dogs Weird unexplained fire rocks A berry - mad Methuselah (who might or might not be Odin) Sons of Cain making war on Sons of Seth (all of whom have lived apart without intermingling somehow) oh and did I mention the Transformer/Star Trek/Neverending Story ROCK MONSTERS? Here is an excerpt from the interview. MCEVERS: My guest is film director Darren Aronofsky. His new movie is Noah. I wont give everything away, but you did take a lot of license with the Bible. I mean, I know thats to be expected from Hollywood. ARONOFSKY: I actually disagree. MCEVERS: OK. ARONOFSKY: Its always about interpretation. All art that derives from a text is about interpretation. So everything in the film actually has a reason for being there. Its taking clues and sort of interpreting it into actual dramatics.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 18:04:03 +0000

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