This is one of the most courageous speeches I have ever heard in - TopicsExpress


This is one of the most courageous speeches I have ever heard in my entire life. Even Bob Beckell, (my favorite liberal) compared it in importance to Dr. Martin Luther Kings famous and inspirational I have a Dream Speech. I dont know about that or if Id go that far, but I understand that in the Muslim world, this speech has been completely absent and until now, absolutely taboo. It takes an enormous man, a Titan, a man for the ages, to risk his life for what he believes in, and I might add, for what the great majority of peace loving true adherents of the Muslim faith also believe and practice. He was addressing Imams, religious clerics and scholars and he called out the Head honcho in charge, (the Grand Sheik of Al-Azhar) in front of everyone, and told him that he beared responsibility before Allah, and that the entire world was waiting for his words...OUCH!!!! I take my proverbial hat to you Sir, the gauntlet has been dropped, now its up to the rest of those peace loving Muslims to step up to the plate and take sides. The entire world is waiting... PS: Why hasnt the entire media complex carried and covered this story? Why is only Fox talking about this? This speech was given on December 28 of 2014, I would think that everybody would have been all over this like white on rice. This is the right way to go, the right message, put pressure on the leaders of the faith to flush these radicals out in the open and distance themselves from the violence, this hurts the true believers more than anyone else outside the faith. It is so pathetically obvious to me that there is a liberal agenda driven coverage of the news that in its core, in its essence, is the antithesis of what I believe to be true journalism, which is to report the news in an unbiased way. This selective selection of the news is anti-democratic because it not only deprives us all from those news that do not fit their narrative, therefore hindering the capacity of American citizens from finding, reaching and knowing the truth, but even worse is that by doing so they are perpetuating and fomenting the massification of stupidity and ignorance. The thing that the liberal media fears the most is an educated free thinking person, because those will call them out on their scam....
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 05:03:24 +0000

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