This is one of the most interesting thing that Kayden has ever - TopicsExpress


This is one of the most interesting thing that Kayden has ever done during his school holiday. He was invited to be the emcee with our friends daughter for her Dads music school, Kids Philharmonic @ The Esplanade. It is an honor and great experience for both Kayden and I. We spent time rehearsing in my house. The kids had great fun playing, eating and swimming together. And us, catching up... It was a really an awesome time together. We have came a long way with so much happening in our lives. Our story began with our pregnancy around the same time. Our kids were born 9 days apart from each other so they knew each other at birth as we visited each other during confinement. It was amazing how Little Gracia would ask her mum to call me so she could call Kayden, as little as she could talk. I could barely believe it until she visited us, she would often hugged and kissed him. Love at first sight??? Lol... I suppose affinity is something hard to explain. I am really grateful for the opportunity to participate in something so beautiful... And it came at a very timely moment in my life. I was stressed out with pushing Kayden in his studies, hoping to give him a head start at school. I was also pushing myself to the point of losing control. This participation distracted me away from Kaydens studies and his imperfections to his natural talents. The love and support from my friend, my friend, her daughter and the audience warmed my heart. The live orchestra with adorable, talented kids and professional musician was so beautiful that I was moved to tears. The ambience was awesome and the kids were so calmed and dignified. I started to stared into space and experienced flash backs of long ago... The music did so much spiritually for me. I felt that my soul was cleansed and it made me reflected myself as a mum. Being a tiger mum can be controversial, (like how Amy Chuas book drew controversy.) 巴掌教育不一定会成才而不是巴掌教育下的孩子也会成才。It made me realized that probably instead of focusing on Kaydens weakness, I should focus on his strength instead, especially when it brought both Kayden and I pain, and myself guilt. I saw Kayden cried in bed when I checked on him and I was sleepless with heartache for days. The realization filled me up with gratitude that no words can describe. Kayden is a natural when comes to speaking. He is great at memorizing his scripts. We learnt his script very late at night before Gracia came to our house to rehearse the next day and he could remember most of them within an hour. I went through with him explaining the meaning of the script and what it was all about, teaching him to replace words in case he forgets. I do not like Q cards as it hides the expression and eye contact with the audience. I taught him to speak slowly and with the right pauses to learn the lines better and to speak with deliberation and dramatization. During our practice, he spoke with confidence and good tonality. On the night of performance, he spoke confidently, looking bright and chirpy (Though I would have love him to smile more instead of a straight face and speaking a little slower. There was no access for parents to the backstage to give him this little final reminder.) and with no sight of stage fright. He walked out hand in hand with Gracia, every bit of a little gentleman. The audience (I was told later by one of the performers and feedback from my friend.) loved the two of them. They were one of the highlights of the show. By the second appearance, he was visibly relaxed but I think he probably had so much fun that he was all hyped up. He was stifling a giggle and ended up giggling into the mike. The audience lightened up and laughed with him. It was suppose to be a solemn event but this unexpected glitch cracked everybody up. It dawned on me that he has a natural ability to draw people to him. On reflection, Kayden is a popular child with great adaptability. He makes friends easily and its not uncommon to have kids fight to play or partner with him. On our drive back I was extremely apologetic towards Gracia who practiced hard as she does not remember lines as easily, but she persevered and eventually learned them. On stage, when Kayden giggled, she was frenetic and kept whispering to him and shaking his hand to stop his giggle. (Her grandfather - the President, was sitting beside me. Although I was amused but I was very worried if he would be upset.) Gracia is the perfectionist and the more competitive of two. She was very upset about his giggles. To pacify her, I need to put things in the most positive and encouraging light so that she not give up doing this special job with Kayden, as she was adamant not to be on stage again. It would be a terrible waste as the two looked great together and had brilliant chemistry. I told her how special it was to be able to bring laughter to the audience in a solemn event and how endearing they appeared to them. I did it so well that even Kayden start to claim credit for his giggles instead. That brought smiles to her face again and she started to laugh as well. The night ended with my friends mum treating us to the best Wanton Mee I have ever tasted. When we reached home, we were still high from the event and fell to my bed; talking and laughing about what happened. I was immensely proud of him and he was very pleased with himself. Both of us fell asleep on my bed with our event clothes on till hours later I got him up to shower in the wee hours. It was certainly one memorable night I was to seal in my heart forever. Thanks, Jessica & do help to convey my heartfelt thanks to your wonderful parents...
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 05:26:06 +0000

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