This is only a small part of this letter that a friend sent to me. - TopicsExpress


This is only a small part of this letter that a friend sent to me. Obviously we are not the only country in trouble. Written by a senior citizen in England Its sad but true, it is difficult not to agree with the 72-year-old man who wrote this letter, I notice there isnt a reply. This is one of the best letters I have read for a long time. It puts it ALL into perspective. To David Cameron (Prime Minister) & Ed Milliband (Leader of the Opposition) You BOTH Worry me! (In fact, both of your Political parties worry the hell out of me!!!) Over the last three years, I find myself becoming more and more fearful of the pair of you, and between you, you are turning this country into a place that I no longer feel at home in, or feel a part of! I watch you in parliament, and no, not just the two of you, but also every politician that I see, stand up in parliament sneering at each other, and acting like children!!! (and if you were my children, I would be ashamed of you all ... What an example to set!) Although you would like us all to believe that you are putting the needs of this country at the forefront, NEITHER of you are doing that, you seem more interested in one-up-man ship , in scoring off each other, & denigrating each other, to the detriment of this country & its people!!! It seems to be all about YOU as individuals, and not about what you can DO for this country! It is fast becoming a place that I do not recognize, as the place I always thought, was the best place in the world to be!!! But no longer!!! You are not listening to the people of this country!!! I am watching the deterioration of living standards in this country, (and according to you, on a world stage we are doing better than most countries REALLY???) And yet the gap is widening between the haves and the have-nots. I see our homeless on the streets, our hospitals under-funded and understaffed, our health system is an absolute mess and a disgrace ... And yet I see multi-millions of pounds being sent offshore, in aid to other countries, before attending to this countrys needs! I see the selling off of water rights to foreign interests, WHY...? Especially when you go to great lengths to tell us that water is a finite resource, & supposedly, we must ALL be careful with how we use it, so that we ensure we have it for the future?
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 22:49:20 +0000

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