This is only one of the atrocities that this moronic ignorant - TopicsExpress


This is only one of the atrocities that this moronic ignorant president of ours has allowed to happen in a country that we placed our troops in and freed these people. They were free until we pulled our troops out. Isis is now in control. Makes me wonder why we bothered in the first place if we were just going to pull out and allow this to happen. While I believe we were correct for going into Iraq because of the invasion of Kuwait and our national interest of oil in that region, I believe that it is absolutely asinine to have left a power vacuum in that region with the threat of the extremist, such as Isis and Iran. The video shows that the threat of these extremist is like what was happening in Nazi Germany to the Jews in the extermination camps. We need to either get involved and quit playing these stupid political games and wipe these extremist completely out or stay out of it all together. There can be no half way at this point. I have read and seen on the news that we are now engaged in drone attacks. I do not trust this idiot of a president to handle foreign policy at all. He has no clue as to what he is doing and needs to be impeached. Congress you are a bunch of gutless wonders and need to be replaced too. Do your job and impeach this moron before he completely destroys this country. Ask this president why we pulled our troops out only to reengage again. These are the lives of our fellow US citizens that are going to be facing death and injury again do to the incompetence of this man who is playing games. He is the only person who can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Is this the kind of change you wanted. To totally ruin our economic and military strength. This is what the majority of you voted for? An incompetent jackass running the Whitehouse. This man is out of his league and needs to be replaced.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 13:29:57 +0000

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