This is open to anyone! Young and Old! National and International! - TopicsExpress


This is open to anyone! Young and Old! National and International! Please contact [email protected] if interested: Hello All, I wanted to email you all and let you know where we are at with the Students for IP Rights Movement. Currently we have been able to collaborate with over 1200 universities (representing over 70 million students!!!!!), over 55 representatives, and members of the White House to make people realize the importance of what is going on here. As a team we will be traveling to Washington DC next week to continue the partnerships that we have been able to foster with the ultimate goal of having this voted on around January or February of next year. I also would like to encourage all of you to check out our website at studentsforIPrights as it has a very quick overview of what we are doing. However this email is not only an update but also a chance to give you all an opportunity to jump on board this movement as you all have your own strengths and I would like to capitalize on that. With that being said we are looking for 9 positions to lead different areas of this movement as it is getting too large for Vi and myself to handle. Below you will find the positions and if one of them interests you, I would encourage you email me and express your interest. Each of these positions will have anywhere from 5-15 students under you working for you to be able to expand this movement, it will be your job as a director to facilitate accordingly and move this movement along swiftly as it has in the past. Director of University Relations Responsibilities Include: working with Student Governments all over the country, working with universities administrations, working to get university presidents to sign the White Paper, promoting this movement on school campuses through students orgs ect. Director of Media Relations Responsibilities Include: Facebook management, Twitter management, website management, and will oversee PIO (Public Information Officer) PIO (Public Information Officer) Responsibilities Include: Write all press releases, work with media firms such as MSNBC and ABC, work with other news outlets to spread the word Director of Sponsorship Responsibilities Include: Partner with major Billionaires and entrepreneurs, work connections supplied by Caleb and Vi to work on sponsorship agreements, provide a means for sponsors to get something out of their investment (awards ect.) Chair of Finance Responsibilities Include: working with all financial matters for the movement, handle accounts, and take care of all budgets and receipts Director of Human Resources Responsibilities Include: Recruitment and issues involving recruitment, personnel issues, discussion with executive team about team members and leadership, work with key stake holders such as VentureWell, APS, ect., oversee regional support Executive Assistant Work directly with Caleb and Vi to make sure everything is working from the top level down. This person would assist where ever there is a need and would not be responsible to oversee anyone. Legal Team Director Responsibilities Include: verifying legislation, working with federal relations at different universities, protecting our members, providing legal support when necessary for students involved in this movement. Legislative Director Responsibilities Include: writing and amending current legislation, being in tuned with current legislation and how it is written, work with congressional leaders to refine language to meet congressional standards Like I said, if you are interested in any of these positions please email me even if we have already talked about them previously. I hope all is well! And please wish us all luck as we are looking to have anywhere from 50-60 meetings up on capital hill if things keep going the way they do next week. Respectfully, Caleb B Carr Students for Intellectual Property Rights Executive Director studentsforIPrights
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 04:59:42 +0000

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