This is our Final Week in our Study, which is Week 10, Prayer and - TopicsExpress


This is our Final Week in our Study, which is Week 10, Prayer and Prosperity, with Day 1, highlighting, A Call from God In her Introduction, Sheryl wrote that God has endowed the United States with some magnificent scenery. The majestic mountain peaks describe Gods SOVEREIGNTY; the massive ocean waves crashing against the seashore reveal Gods POWER; the mammoth rocks jutting out of the water declare Gods STRENGTH; the monumental Redwood trees give us a glimpse of Gods PROVISION; and the colorful wildflowers adorning the hillside disclose the BEAUTY of God. This abundant prosperity that is manifested through nature is a symbol of the prosperous life you and I can live if we commit ourselves to a lifetime of prayer. But, this prosperity God offers is not measured in dollar signs or possessions. Gods PROSPERITY is much greater. Yes, you and I can be successful and prosperous in our SPIRITUAL JOURNEY, but there is one condition: we need to be Faithful to God. So this week, we are going to examine how to integrate prayer into every area of life. Our key verse for today is spectacular! It reads, I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I CALLED you. I said, You are my servant. I have CHOSEN you and not rejected you. Isaiah 41:9 Now, after speaking of God calling, please read 1 Samuel 3 and summarize these verses. For in this narrative, Samuel was just a young boy, probably around twelve years of age or a little older. One uneventful night, after Samuel had retired for the evening, he heard his name CALLED. Not yet familiar with The Voice of God, he assumed that it was Eli, the priest, calling him. After several confrontations, Eli instructed Samuel to listen again because it was The LORDS Voice calling his name. Sheryl then asked, Have you heard God CALLING your name yet? Of course, Gods Voice is unique among each of His chosen Ones. He CALLS each of us to different ministry opportunities. Yet, there is one common feature that is true for all believers: He is SUMMONING everyone to walk in fellowship with Him. (Can you say, Amen?) Now, before we continue, please write out a prayer asking God to circumcise your hearts so that you will feel compassion for others. Then look up the following verses and record what kind of people and subjects you are to pray for. I will do the first five, and then ask you to complete the last five verses, hopefully with anticipation. 1.) Job 42:10 We are to pray for our friends. 2.) Matthew 5:44 For those who persecute us. 3.) Luke 6:28 For those who mistreat us. 4.) John 17:20 For other believers. 5.) Acts 14:23 For our Elders. 6.) Ephesians 6:18-19 (not its your turn!) 7.) Colossians 4:3 8.) 1 Timothy 2:1-2 9.) James 5:13 10.) James 5:16 And what does 1 Thessalonians tell us about praying? And can you think of how this truth might be applied to your life? Sheryl then gave us a few ideas as how to implement this command: PRAY... For a neighbor when you are taking a walk. For a difficult friend when you drive past his or her home. For a missionary when their country is mentioned in the news. For a relatives salvation just before a family gathering. For your Pastor on the way to church. PRAY... For a new believer when their name comes to mind. For a familys grief when you read their story in the newspaper. (Being a Grief Counselor, I find myself doing this a lot.) For the President when you think about your countrys crisis. For a teacher when you enter the school. Now, can you add three more to this list, please? And be assured, tomorrow, we will discuss more ideas that you can apply to your Prayer Life. Next, write out Joel 2:25, and then, based on this verse, please answer the following questions: 1.) Should we continue to pray for others when it seems HOPELESS? Please explain. 2.) What hope does this verse give you as a Prayer Warrior? 3.) Can you think of a real life situation that would make this verse a reality? Please explain. In closing, how might you respond to todays Lesson? It may be as simple as crying out to Our LORD, Help me, O LORD, to make prayer a priority in my life that I may please you and Bless others. Sweet Blessings as you pray in The Name of Jesus, Elsie
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 23:43:17 +0000

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