This is our centre Goodstart Gympie’s SUCCESS STORY. The very - TopicsExpress


This is our centre Goodstart Gympie’s SUCCESS STORY. The very first time I met Braydan was when his Mum (Mandy) walked into our centre in September 2011 looking to enrol her child into our centre, the problem she said was that he had a disability. I assured her, that was not a problem at all, and we were very happy to have Braydan join our family. I asked Mandy if we could sit down together and fill out some paper work and discuss Braydan’s background so that I can see where our centre can best help meet Braydan’s needs. Braydan has Joubert Syndrome, which means he is unable to communicate verbally, has limited physical development unable to walk and is feed through a stomach button. Working with the Inclusion Support Team and Noahs Ark we were able to access funding to help our centre gain an additional support worker. I also found that the staff required special training on stomach feeding, so I organised a RN from the hospital to come into the centre and show staff how to button feed Braydan. I needed to find a very special staff member who could work with Braydan, include him into our daily programs and generally help Braydan communicate with the other children and staff. This is where our success story really begins; Courtney was that special staff member that I found who was willing to become Braydan’s support worker. Braydan started his first day of care on the 1st of October 2011 in our toddler room; this is where Courtney was faced with her first challenges. Courtney had a meeting with Braydan’s Mum and the physiotherapist to discuss ways in which we can help with his transition into the centre. Courtney learnt special exercises to do with Braydan to help develop his gross motor skills and Courtney also learnt some sign language so she was able to communicate with Braydan. This was also taught to the Toddler children so they too could communicate with him. Courtney noticed that Braydan was having trouble sitting at the table so she brought in some phone books to help support Braydan’s legs while he was sitting at the table. I spoke to Noah’s Ark about this and we were able to put in for special funding for a special table that would help support and include Braydan in meal times and activities done at the tables. Courtney worked together with the room staff to help set-up an environment that was safe and educational for both Braydan and his Toddler friends. It was very obvious to everyone that there was a very special bond forming between Braydan and Courtney, they worked well together, feeding off each other’s eagerness to achieve and gain a brighter future for Braydan. Braydan’s abilities to co exist within the toddler room saw him develop strengths in both the social and physical areas, enabling him to transition into the Pre Kindy room. So, Courtney and I had a meeting with Braydan’s mum about the transition process and Mandy was proud and excited that her little man was coming along in leaps and bounds. Noah’s Ark again helped us in making this possible. Courtney discussed the room environment with the staff and helped to create an environment that would benefit both Braydan and his new friends. With Braydan’s outgoing and infectious personality he formed many great friendships within the Pre Kindy room. His mobility became stronger and much quicker as he shuffled around the room striving to keep up with his faster friends. Braydan was also now making himself heard more, calling out to the peers and staff when he wanted to gain their attention. Mandy and Jamie (Braydan’s Dad) would often praise the staff - especially Courtney on how wonderful it was to see Braydan advancing so much and being so accepted within the whole of Goodstart Gympie. With Braydan shining so strongly and with many of his friends moving up to the Pre School room in 2013, it was again time to include Braydan in this exciting next step. Braydan again managed to take this in his stride as he had such wonderful support from Courtney (his best friend). Working with both Braydan’s parents and Physiotherapist, we discussed the option of obtaining a walking frame in the hope that this would enhance more mobility and independence for Braydan. Once this was obtained Mandy and Jamie ensured Braydan was confident with the walker by using it at home before they bought it in for Braydan to use within the centre. Mandy showed Courtney along with other staff members, how to strap him in and said to encourage Braydan to walk in it for at least 20 minutes at a time – as he was still a little stubborn when it came to using it. Mum said that he will try to not walk and lift his legs off the ground. With Courtney’s encouragement and persistence Braydan was soon walking up the verandah or down the hall ways, stopping to chat to any staff or parents that he met on his ventures. As Braydan’s gross motor skills developed, along with his confidence, it was soon a familiar sight to see Braydan chasing after a staff member down the hall way, calling out loudly and laughing as he got closer, reaching out for a ‘high 5’. Through the use of this special walker, Braydan is now pulling himself up and has greater strength in his legs which enables him to walk along at times holding Courtney’s hands confidently. Courtney, Braydan’s parents and family, along with all of the staff at Goodstart Gympie are extremely proud of the success Braydan has achieved within this centre. With his determination we see a beautiful boy that will succeed in all of life’s challenges. It will be with much sadness and many tears that in 2014 Braydan will leave us to move on to big school. We wish Braydan the very best in the future, and hope that he remembers how proud we all have been to have had him in our lives. Braydan has shown everyone that he has met, that with persistence and determination you can achieve anything. Ellise Centre director Goodstart Gympie
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 02:57:23 +0000

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