This is our destiny, what is meant to be will be It’s in of our - TopicsExpress


This is our destiny, what is meant to be will be It’s in of our hands, part of the plan Respect time we have, enjoy the show Because people come and go And when they go they’re missed Whether old or kids It’s the memories we make, it’s that ownership It’s the unknown fear, it’s the fear we know When our people come and go It’s the passing of a grandparent, mom, or dad Or a child, take advantage of the times we have It’s divorce, it’s death, it’s the loss, regrets But for every loss we find something more to connect There’s a plan though we don’t always know what it is Like my friend who got married but his wife couldn’t have kids Then his mom passed away......we were stunned and torn Nine months later.......their son was born
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 04:08:32 +0000

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