This is our youngest son Justyn. Most people know that last - TopicsExpress


This is our youngest son Justyn. Most people know that last October he was involved in an accident and sustained a brain injury and was life lighted to Riley Hospital; although he is doing well as a result of the accident he has suffered a permanent brain injury. Last night, James took the boys fishing. A gentleman approached him from the river camp and began talking to James. Conversation came around and Justyn and his situation was mentioned. The man told James that he was a soldier who fought in Afghanistan 3 years ago. The man endured a bomb that went off at close proximity, from the result of this the pressure caused his brain to shift left and he know has permanent brain injuries in the same area as our son. James and the man talked for some time, his experiences, past and present, are very familiar to what Justyn has and is enduring. The man left and a few moments later returned with this jacket that Justyn is wearing. He asked James if he could give it to him, he of course said yes. The soldier went to Justyn, gave him the jacket and told him that some days will be worse than others, things will probably get worse before they get better, but he wanted Justyn to look at this jacket and know that someone who has been where he is, was, and will be is thinking of him and praying for him. Justyn is so proud of this jacket. We explained to him the soldiers story. James and I were not only appreciative, but stunned that an American Hero, would want to give a piece of himself to help our son. Our family has went through a few struggles, but we have been and still are so blessed. Im sharing this, one to say how amazing this hero was, but also to let you know that you never know what you have to safe, give, or do may affect others. No matter how small or insignificant you feel or unimportant your story might seem to you, it may be the very thing that someone else needs at that moment. My oldest son, Joshua, knelt down beside me last night to remind me of the guardian angels that are with Justyn and all of us.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 17:46:23 +0000

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