This is painful, but it needs to be read by those who value - TopicsExpress


This is painful, but it needs to be read by those who value historical truth. As Americans deal with the shocking revelations and debate the issue of torture and its use by the CIA, they need historical perspective. This is about a war waged a long time ago, a war whose ugliness we will not forget. When, during the committee hearings, Senator Joseph Rawlins had asked General Robert Hughes whether the burning of Filipino homes by advancing U.S. troops was “within the ordinary rules of civilized warfare,” Hughes had replied succinctly, “These people are not civilized.” More generally, some people, while conceding that American soldiers had engaged in “cruelties,” insisted that the behavior reflected the barbaric sensibilities of the Filipinos. “I think I know why these things have happened,” Lodge offered in a Senate speech in May. They had “grown out of the conditions of warfare, of the war that was waged by the Filipinos themselves, a semicivilized people, with all the tendencies and characteristics of Asiatics, with the Asiatic indifference to life, with the Asiatic treachery and the Asiatic cruelty, all tinctured and increased by three hundred years of subjection to Spain.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 10:13:46 +0000

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