This is part of the piece Ive been writing for 3 days now - it - TopicsExpress


This is part of the piece Ive been writing for 3 days now - it gives an in depth explanation as to how & why Mankind finds itself in such a precarious situation! Increasingly Im being asked whether I can make head or tail of whats going on in the Middle East. Not only is the region seemingly mired in an unbridled mess but many other countries in but a short space of time have gone from relative calm to utter chaos, some under the fake guise of establishing democracy; others simply pounded by drones! How can it be? We have Isis rebels, backed by the West, doing all they can to undermine President Assad, yet in a recent election it was clear Assad had the overwhelming support of his people! Here, the West funds & supports terrorists! Yet when these same Isis rebels cross the Syrian border into Iraq where there are infinitely easier pickings, theyre suddenly regarded as an enemy that has to be bombed! It doesnt get more daft than bombing the very people were giving sophisticated weaponry to! The West is learning well from the Israelis. Of course lying with conviction as they do takes years of practice! But sadly there are sheep - no, not the farmyard type! Were talking a human variety that somehow functions without ever having to use their brain! They believe everything theyre told! So the Israelis, Obama & Cameron say whatever suits their agenda! It matters not one jot whether any evidence exists to back up their claims because they lie about that too simply by saying sources in Syria have confirmed...........ITS ALL A LOAD OF COBBLERS! For instance, Assads landslide victory was a farce! Apparently one could not hold an election while a civil war raged! Coming from Obama who twice ripped off RON PAUL & Cameron whose Tory Party only received 36% of the vote & the turnout a paltry 65% this was more than a bit rich! The truth is Assad got 88% of the vote & the turnout was 75%! In the meantime Poroshenko election victory WAS HAILED A GOOD ONE! Forget the minor detail that a war was raging in Ukraine & the turnout was below 50%! Now I could rest my case here! Surely if the leaders of the US & UK willfully display such horrific double standards, then its fair to say these two men are anything but worthy leaders! Small wonder the world is in a mess! But no! Theres more to this than meets the eye! Perhaps we are looking at this in completely the wrong light! You see it is my ardent belief the very turmoil we are witnessing is in fact BY DESIGN & that the principle goal of those who are now firmly pulling foreign policy strings in Washington DC, WAS TO CREATE TURMOIL! Mission accomplished one could say! Of course the very nature of turmoil is something one in normal circumstances has no desire to create because one has little control over what happens & so what may transpire! Most of us though remain in little doubt that these policies which have led to chaos where there seems no end in sight, are as a result of US foreign policy. However, I feel the reason most people fail to grasp whats going on is because they cannot bring themselves to accept that US foreign policy is now firmly in the hands of dual national Zionists who do not care about Americas interests. Theyre working for the best interests of Israel! Only when one accepts this does the haze begin to clear. I understand why such a notion is so hard to accept. Not forgetting this is the last thing the Zionist controlled media would ever publicize but as much as people remain cognizant of the ungodly level of influence dual national Zionists possess on Capitol Hill through their all-powerful lobbies such as AIPAC, the ADL & the CFR, few Americans realize the full extent of this infiltration! Of course the main reason why so many Americans have no inkling theyve literally been taken over from within is because the Zionists control the entire Corporate media too! If the media neglects to inform the public, then its down to connecting the dots! Well America, like the UK unfortunately has a healthy supply of both types of sheep! Certainly, even connecting dots in a straight line seems all too much for what does it take to question why America gives its unconditional support, as well as untold billions in US tax payer money which each year is written off? No other country has ever been afforded such benevolence but when one considers the shameful manner in which Israel goes about its business, it should be the last country on the planet benefiting as it does! 9/11 no doubt was the event that changed the course of history! However, I believe the pivotal turning point occurred in 1990 when George Bush Senior made the decision not to invade Iraq & thus oust Saddam Hussein from power after his invading Iraqi forces had been systematically turfed out of Kuwait. As well as being an oil man, Bush senior was at one time head of the CIA, ironically the organization largely responsible for installing Saddam as Iraqs leader. This was for the chief purpose of ensuring Americas rapacious appetite for energy could me met as cheaply & with as minimum of fuss as possible. Up & until then, regardless of whether America unconditionally supported Israel or not, first & foremost, US interests ultimately had to be served! Bush seniors decision not to invade Iraq was hardly greeted with universal approval. Saddam, after all, was an evil brute. His people lived in fear. Anyone stepping out of line was dealt with in no uncertain terms. Yet it was this despotic rule that served Americas interests admirably. Regime change would have opened up a massive can of worms what with the three rival groups - the Sunnis & Shias & the Kurds in the north, making up the bulk of the population! Saddam effectively kept a lid on everything & this very stability was precisely what US & UK oil companies desired. However, one country in particular, Israel, felt an opportunity had been missed! They would have loved to see the international community rid Iraq of Saddam for it would inadvertently rid Israel of one of their greatest enemies! Therefore, I believe around this time the Zionists made the decision to acquire a more hands on approach on US foreign policy. In order to do this, they needed to have far more say over who actually made it into the White House! In 1992, a virtual unknown, Bill Clinton defeated Bush senior in the Presidential elections. Bush senior had done little wrong! Kuwait was liberated with the minimum of fuss; Saddam had been kept in check; the international community had every reason to feel reassured! But back then little thought was given to how the media could play such an important role in US Presidential elections. Not that dirty tricks were anything new but without anyone ever realizing, the media could be giving Clinton preferential treatment literally by doing nothing! But whenever Bush tripped up, the media made him look decidedly un-presidential! Moreover Independent candidate Ross Perot would often lock horns with Bush while Clinton somehow managed to seemingly float through the election campaign unscathed as if the Presidency was his destiny! If only people had known Clinton was anything but a man worthy of such high office - involved in drug running, real estate fraud, even murder while he was Governor of Arkansas but the media kept all this under wraps! A few years earlier Gary Hart was crucified for far less! I believe Clinton was the first true Zionist puppet. Clinton tenure as President seemed the very essence of tranquility compared to GW Bush & Obama! Certainly when he left office Americas economy was in great shape. Clintons tenure was not about waging war though; first big business had to become financially all powerful! Only then could they think about establishing a New World Order. Clinton eased long-standing rules for media ownership, effectively opening the way for more and more of the nation’s newspapers & broadcast stations to be concentrated in fewer & fewer hands. This was absolutely crucial. The entire mass-media was reduced to 6 massive conglomerates! No one, including those in the media mentioned how this was not only contrary to the publics interests but this was in direct breach of conflicts of interest! MSNBC could be owned entirely by General Electric, a company whose major business was manufacturing of armaments! How in the blazes could any news reader working for MSNBC argue the case for peace? Before some 50 companies battled for ratings, Now only 6 companies would decide what the news would be! It goes without saying how much easier manipulating the news had become, especially when you know no other channel is going to throw a huge spanner in the works by contradicting what was being said! However, Clintons major contribution was inexplicably repealing the Glass/Steagel Act, an act that for decades served the public well! It had ensured bankers could not commit the very fraud they had in mind! Cut a long story short, almost 10 years after Glass/Steagel was repealed, the banking pyramid scheme which allowed bankers all over the Western world to award themselves bonuses of upwards of $10 million a year for the best part of 10 years, suddenly came crashing down in 2008! The media then saw to it that instead of pointing the finger at Bill Clinton & the Zionist bankers whod bribed him to repeal Glass/Steagel, we were told everything except what really mattered - this was a financial calamity waiting to happen that no one could foresee & blah, blah, blah! Worse still, instead of the media going bananas over politicians stating there was no option but to bail out the banks, they stood quietly by while the treasurys of most Western countries were plundered to the tune of 100s of billions! Not only was all our money stolen but our childrens too! This was the beauty of the mega banking fraud that was in place - more often than not a shortfall is discovered relatively quickly! Here, not only did no one suspect anything was wrong; for the world it seemed the banking sector was power-housing the economy through all the new business it was generating! Clinton would be long gone by the time the shit hit the fan! The plan for the power-brokers was to continue in the same vein; install another leader whod be the perfect puppet. Clintons Vice President Al Gore did not fit the bill. The problem was the media could only do so much to make GW Bush look good! He was anything but the smooth operator Clinton was! A lot more would be required if GW Bush was to get into the White House. Back in 2000 I sensed something was amiss when Gore mysteriously chose not to utilize Clinton in his bid for the Presidency. Chances are well never know the truth but how could this be? I simply cannot believe Clinton refused to help his former VP & I certainly do not think Gore could be that daft! I believe the only scenario that fits is CLINTON WAS TOLD NOT TO HELP GORE! The conspirators had an enormous advantage - good enough knowing mainstream media is firmly on your side but its a whole new ball-game when now its become a tool to use as you see fit! Crucially, news could be ignored........... completely! If the public wasnt told, then it wasnt news! With but a handful of folk controlling the 6 major media corporations, they were safe in the knowledge no one would challenge what they were saying! Therefore news could literally be made up! From the outset the public was led to believe this election was touch & go! Fake polls reinforced this view while independent polls reflecting the truth, never made the airwaves or print! Those pulling the strings knew where they had to cheat! One or two states where straw polls had Gore narrowly ahead, went to Bush. This kept it a close race. Naturally the media made nothing of this or GWs buffoonery which was continuously played down or ignored while every so often the media took a dig at Gore by fabricating irrelevant drivel & making a big deal out of it! It all came down to the Florida Primary. This time though, it was obvious there had been major electoral fraud! Among other irregularities, some 54,000 voters in Florida were deemed ineligible to vote because someone in the Governors office said these people were felons! The truth was the vast majority werent felons but Blacks who predominantly sided with Democrats & would have voted for Gore had they received their ballot papers! Now when one considers GWs brother Jeb was the Governor of Florida? MY WORD!.......... The media couldnt play this down, surely? Blatant cheating in US Presidential elections? This was an act of criminality that bordered on Treason! What followed was mystifying to say the least! Several Floridians who were denied the opportunity to vote had their day in Congress. However, as each one raised the key issue of demanding their right to vote, the man directly behind them chairing the hearing cut them short by citing the same legal jargon every time, thus forcing them to give way, much to the amazement of the speaker. The whole point of these people travelling all the way to Washington was to explain why the Florida election had to be declared null & void. They wanted to vote for Al Gore! What is incredible is the man chairing the hearing was none other than AL GORE HIMSELF! THESE PEOPLE WERE HIS SUPPORTERS & HE WAS DELIBERATELY SHITTING ON THEM! It was obvious Gore had been got at! In all likelihood he was promised x amount, something with 8 zeros, not to raise hell & to concede graciously! This he duly did. It was left to the Supreme Court but they inexplicably decided against ordering a recount! With but 9 Supreme imbeciles making up the court, only 5 to bribe - a few million bucks - no problem! Bush was declared the winner of the Florida Primary by a measly margin of a few hundred votes! A complete buffoon had somehow become President of the USA! Small wonder in the 14 years since, Americas standing in the world has positively nose-dived! Thats the good news! The bad news is the unbridled mess we now find ourselves in! How could this happen in America? Such election shenanigans are akin to banana republics! Whats so interesting is how people like Jeb Bush were perfectly happy letting anyone with a modicum of intelligence know he was THAT crooked! The 2000 election showed what could be done with a fully compliant media! Whats more it proved that if the media neglected to highlight such skulduggery & then conveniently drop it altogether as a news item, IT WAS ENOUGH! There was no chance criminal proceedings would take place! The ramifications are incalculable for this effectively gave gangsters a licence to do what the hell they liked! But WHY? Why did the dual national Zionists risk so much rigging the Presidential election for GW Bush? Millions surely were now alerted to the fact they controlled the Corporate media. So what if Gore won! Their power & influence on Capitol Hill would see to it that Gore would play ball! There had to be a definitive reason for the Zionists - why did GW Bush HAVE to be in the White House? The answer lies in a report written In September 2000 by a faction called Project for a New American Century, the PNAC group, entitled ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses!’ This Zionist Neo-Con Republican think tank was headed by heavyweights as Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith & Jeb Bush among others. It stated “the process for transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic & catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor.” TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW WITH THE MIDDLE SEGMENT!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 03:21:09 +0000

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