This is part of the reason so many of us ( including myself ) hate - TopicsExpress


This is part of the reason so many of us ( including myself ) hate anyone who claims to be proudly Dutch while at the same time throwing racist slang around. For those who think hating dutchmen is racist. Fact: - I dont hate Dutchmen: But I do hate Racist Dutchmen. They should go kill themselves with a wooden spoon and laxatives. - The Dutch are not a race (although alot of them consider themselves pretty much a master race anyhow ), therefore hating the dutch means you hate an entire nationality. You cannot be racist if you hate the dutch, because they are not a race. - The above statement applies to both South Africa and the Netherlands. - If you are racist, regardless of your skin color (even if you are not but a Dutchmen), then you are just as bad. - Black people are not trash, Chinese arent trash ( Communists are trash, though ), Mayalsians are awesome, Japanese are best humans in existance, Middle Eastern dudes are not trash, etc... as long as they themselves are not acting in racism. - The Jews are not a race either, but are also pretty awesome - because Jews dont take no shit from anyone, (though they usually shoot first and ask questions later). - Hating Canada for giving the world Beiber isnt racist either, but yes, it is entirely Canadas fault. Its also Americas fault for accepting him (and for letting him out of Jail). Hating Beleibers is a good deed as long as you dont kill anyone. Twitter is also a Beleibing Shithole full of Beleibers. - Dont Hate Canada: Canada gave us Homeworld, Avril Lavigne, and funny-to-look-at-mountain-rangers. Homeworlds awesomeness more than makes up for the Beleiber-Crisis. - the European Dutch (as a whole) are almost just as racist as the RSA Dutch... however European Dutchmen had less slavery ( compared to the British Empire ) and actually is still far more equal in comparison to South Africas history in say, the last 80 years, and even now... however the EU Dutch made numerous contributions to the world that is worth mentioning. South Africas contributions are rather negative. - Hating Christians is not racist either. Thats a religion, not a race. However, most Racist Dutchmen I have met claim to be Christians. Pretty contradictory, but hey - there isnt a single Christian or Catholic empire in the last 2000 years that wasnt racist or pure evil. (Especially you, Britannia, and Hitler was pretty much Christian too - how can you be proud to be in the same boat as him.). Seems legit? Love thy neighbor - right? Wrong. - Having an argument with a white crazy redneck that thinks black men are not even the same species is pretty funny as it gives a clear definition of the low IQ that is nonexistent in his hollow (presumably religious) shell. You should probably record him/her and put him/her on YouTube. Use of Real Names at your own discretion. Mosaic Filter purely optional. Oh and, this is kinda funny...
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 10:36:15 +0000

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