This is perhaps the best, most resourceful, and most mind-opening - TopicsExpress


This is perhaps the best, most resourceful, and most mind-opening perspective of the search / yearning for journalistic, investigative, and scientific truth concerning the events of 9/11 I have ever read in the short amount of time Ive been looking into the event. Though I did know there was an organization of professional engineers and architects for 9/11 truth ( as well as one composed mainly of those who lost loved ones that day, I was completely unaware there was an organization of Firefighters for 9/11 truth. Their statement, written by a retired, decorated NYFD Lieutenant, at , is quite poignant. I also did not know about 40 percent of the public doubt the official story. In the midst of all this truth-searching and dissatisfaction with the official account, I agree with this articles scathing indictment of the media, who have simply offered us nothing except regurgitated babble regarding such a monumentally important event, as best summarized with this excerpt : Newspapers are facing bankruptcy in the wake of the Internet and social media revolutions, and must adapt or die. This is particularly true with regard to the resounding silence about the 9/11 controversy in the American press. In the face of vigilant on-the-spot citizen videotaping and wiki-leaks of official wrong-doing, it no longer suffices to simply hand off government and corporate newswire releases as the dominant source of reality. A paternal top-down corporate-owned press no longer constructs the political reality. The global Internet brain, with its synapses firing through Google, YouTube, Facebook and a host of other social media, is gutting the media monopoly over our collective sense of reality. A monumental correction is in progress, and deservedly so. The media has failed to ask the tough questions in time: about 9/11, the illegal Middle East wars, and the banking scandals. The media underestimated its truth-hungry consumers – insulted them by withholding analysis and historical context – and now the hunt for reality on serious issues has led to grassroots sources that go far beyond the old “he said, she said” and “yellow journalism” models that have been offered up as good enough. Indeed. I am not posting this to change or persuade minds. I myself have not made up mine, but am simply blown away by the facts one uncovers beyond what the public has been told. But as a resource for friends who yearn for the truth as well, and whose questions and doubts, like mine, have to date been left unsatisfied. The footnotes alone offer a wealth of resources.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 03:12:31 +0000

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