This is perhaps the greatest sermon this Pastor taught re: - TopicsExpress


This is perhaps the greatest sermon this Pastor taught re: Matthew 25. The entire chapter is a sermon. The first two parable Jesus told was about the ten virgins. The five virgins that had enough would not share with the other five. The stern master punished the one servant who would not use the talent to get interest which was against the law of God (usury). THEN it says the Lord comes and he judges differently then the world and separates the goats from the sheep. We have misread the parable of the virgins and the talents for so long when in fact the Lord was teaching Israel that to exclude the ten virgins from society because they did not have oil or punish the servant/hireling because he did not play the economic game correctly makes us goats.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 14:48:03 +0000

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