This is primarily a Calvinism versus Arminianism debate and - TopicsExpress


This is primarily a Calvinism versus Arminianism debate and discussion group. Disagreements with Lutherans and Roman Catholics and other points of view that relate to Arminianism are also on topic. The admins here will be chosen based on their agreement with old school Calvinism and/or Gordon Clarks logical Scripturalism. Abusive ad hominem, logical fallacies, and unbiblical arguments are discouraged. The Westminster Standards, Three Forms of Unity, and the Anglican Formularies are the primary confessional basis for doctrine here, although other Reformed confessions such as the London Baptist Confession of Faith, 1689 may be acceptable for the admins. Those who block an admin may be removed by that admin. Please try to work out your differences. Other Calvinist participants should have a doctrinal confession of some kind, although this is not necessarily required. Creeds and confessions are only valid as they follow the good and necessary logical propositions warranted by Scripture alone. Extreme violators of the rules for debate will be warned three times and then banned. Flaming is defined as using personal attacks, abusive ad hominem, and outright slanders, lies, false information that would defame anothers reputation, violate the the 9th commandment, etc. Logical and biblical arguments that stick to objective and rational debate would be preferred. Im an advocate of the apologetics of the late Dr. Gordon H. Clark. Other admins may or may not be Clarkian Scripturalists but they do agree to the Westminster Standards or another Reformed confession such as the London Baptist Confession of 1689, or the Three Forms of Unity or some other reputable Reformed confession of faith. A further disclaimer is that not all the admins will be in agreement on everything. My own point of view is that Arminianism is a heresy that denies the Gospel and is in fact a Rome-ward leading religion. Not every Calvinist will be in agreement on this. Also, I and many other Calvinists disagree with common grace and the free offer. This does not constitute rationalism or hyper-Calvinism. Although neo-Calvinists are welcome to debate the Arminians here, internecine disagreements should be kept to a minimum in order to engage those who oppose Calvinism as it is generally understood. Also, in defense of confessions and creeds, please listen to this audio chapter from Gordon H. Clarks book, What Do Presbyterians Believe? Concerning Creeds:
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 16:40:12 +0000

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