This is probably going to sound crazy to those who do not see the - TopicsExpress


This is probably going to sound crazy to those who do not see the significance in the attention to detail that is apparent from the Illuminati, let us not forget, they own the media, film industry, music industry etc.. So I watched the film, The dawn of the planet of the apes, the first thing I noticed was the beginning, it started with the same words that were on the floor in the opening of the 2012 Olympic ceremony, This is how it ends ..The storyline was about two species, apes and man, the apes had been infected by a virus, man made, that wipes out most of the humans, they try to be friends out of necessity but the bad in the humans and the bad in the apes pays an end to that. The main characters are the leader of the apes, Caesar, played by Andy Serkis and the leader of the men, Malcolm, played by Jason Clarke. What I find extraordinary is that the leader of men was born on the 17th July 1969 and the birthdate of the leader of the apes is April 20th 1964, The film was released on the day that the plane MH17 went down, on the birthday of the main character and the 20th April is Israel Independence day.To, me, and might only mean this to me alone, but, I believe that the plane that came down on the 17th July, containing bodies and blood serum was infected with a virus via the bodies, the blood serum was meant to explode so as to give the illusion of the bodies being bloody( but did not happen) due to the fact that the plane clearly was brought down by remote control at a low altitude and not 6 miles high, ( bodies do not remain intact after falling that distance, now do they!!?) Curiously on the date of July 17th there are some significant anniversaries.But also,the screenwriter for the film, an Ashkenazi jew also wrote The Library about the aftermath of Columbine,Contagion and PU-239 based on a story about lethal doses of radiation. His films follow the themes of allying with our enemies before we destroy them, this is exactly what the film was about.Strangely enough the date of the 17th July was also the date that it was; Atom bomb test, Port Chicago, 1944 USA test bomb in Enwetak 1958 Operation Sunbeam 1962 New Mexico 1964 USSR test at Kuzakh 1981 French test in Tahiti 1974. it was also the day that the nuclear test ban treaty was signed in 1963 and the date that the first town became powered by a nuclear plant. (Idaho) The 20th April, Isaeli Independence is also adate that has seen many of the false flag events occur. I see links, others may not.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 22:55:57 +0000

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