This is probably one of the most important pages you will read on - TopicsExpress


This is probably one of the most important pages you will read on this or any other website devoted to drinking water. The following information will illustrate why it may not be sufficient to just obtain PURE drinking water; in order to realize the full benefits of water at a cellular level in the body, additional functional water characteristics must be present for optimum utilization. Since most naturally occurring water sources are not only polluted but do not have these important functional characteristics, equipment has been developed to allow you to now produce both PURE and HEALTHY water easily and inexpensively in the convenience of your home or office. ...the core of each DNA double helix is a column of water clusters...Small hexagonal water clusters fit into and through the hexagonal channels in cell membranes and inside the cell, swiftly delivering their goods and removing wastes. - Institute of Heartmath Research Center). ...Aging is a loss of Hexagonal Water from organs, tissues and cells, and an overall decrease in total body water. Replenishing the Hexagonal Water in our bodies can increase vitality, slow the aging process, and prevent disease. Molecular Water Environment Theory: - Dr. Mu Shik Jhon. Do These Benefits Interest You?Super cellular hydration and revitalization Increased Oxygenation at the cellular level Enhanced endurance and reduced recovery time from strenuous exercise Activation of enzymes, immune system support and greater metabolic balance Electron-rich free-radical neutralization and cleansing Slightly alkaline pH These can all lead to improved body performance and stamina. A unique source of ENERGY, ENERGY, ENERGY, starting at the cellular level - where it counts!! How Does It Work? The Optimizer II™ technology incorporates basic principles utilized in nature, to create a special life-enhancing water your body will love. In nature, this life-enhancing water begins with rain or snow which is naturally energized and if not polluted with atmospheric acids, is often highly structured. It uses movement. Water naturally forms vortices when flowing around stones and other objects, oxygenates itself in the vortices and by flowing over stones and little water falls, receiving far infrared enhancement from the sun and electromagnetic stimulants from granite type rocks and the earths natural magnetic field. Therefore, in the Optimizer II™, a highly powerful vortex, electromagnetic fields and ceramic materials emitting FIR energy emulate the natural phenomena which create healthy water in nature. The end result is a super wetting hexagonal structure carrying extra oxygen, energy and ionic minerals deep into the cellular environment in seconds. Scientific research from many studies found in the newly translated book The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key makes a strong, well documented case for the observed presence ofhexagonal water around healthy cells and organs and five sided or pentagonal waterstructures around cancer cells and sick organs. Magnetically produced hexagonal water is the most stable according to research, vs. structured water produced by ionizers. YOU CAN NOW CREATE THE SAME LIVING WATER IN YOUR OWN HOME WITH THE OPTIMIZER II™! CAPABILITIES OF THE OPTIMIZER II (1) Structure water - powerful magnetic and infrared sources reduce the size of individual water clusters, creating Hexagonal Water for more efficient and rapid penetration into the cells of your body. (2) Increase Oxygen - turbulent forces create a powerful and visible vortex, increasing the amount of oxygen in your drinking water up to 30%. (3) Add selected, stucture-making minerals/ions - a unique mineral core, comprised of coral calcium, zinc, lithium and others contribute to the structuring of water. The water needs to be purified by steam distillation or high quality reverse osmosis processes beforehand, to remove structure breaking minerals/ions such as chlorine, potassium, aluminum, etc.). USING SELECTED IONIC MATERIALS TO CREATE HEXAGONALLY STRUCTURED WATER CLUSTERS A select set of ionic minerals are known to enhance the construction of hexagonal water. These minerals occur in very small amounts and help organize the water molecules into tightly packed arrangements which serve to protect and enhance cellular health (see pictures below). Commonly occurring minerals can be grouped into structure making or structure breaking categories as listed below. In order to ensure that the final product has the correct mineral balance, the water is first purified by either steam distillation or a high quality reverse osmosis system; the minerals are then combined in the vortexial water movement in the Optimizer II™. Calcium, sodium, zinc, iron, silver, copper and others help to convert water into hexagonal water while potassium, chloride, fluoride, aluminum, sulfide and others destroy the hexagonal structuring of water. The process is similar to erasing unwanted information from a computer disc before placing new information on the disc. Examples of Structure-Making and Structure-Breaking Ions Structure-Making Ions Structure-Breaking Ions Element Ions ΔEww Element Ions ΔEww Calcium Ca+2 32.2 Magnesium Mg+2 -8.8 Lithium Li+ 27.2 Potassium K+ -3.8 Sodium Na+ 3.3 Rubidium Rb+ -6.3 Zinc Zn+2 50.6 Aluminum Al+3 -313.4 Iron Fe+3 51.9 Chloride Cl- -7.5 Copper Cu+2 49.8 Bromide Br- -7.5 Stronger Bonds decrease free movement of water molecules - increase hexamer structure Weaker bonds increase free movement of water molecules -decrease hexamer structure and increase pentamer structure Note: ΔEww is the interaction energy (kiloJoules/mol) between the water molecules in solution. Healthier Cells - supported by tightly bonded, hexagonal water clusters - created by structure making ions (see above). Pollutants and toxins areunable to bond with water molecules and create toxin accumulation and cellular problems. Unhealthy Cells - characterized by loosely bonded, pentagonal or unstructured water clusters and structure-breaking ions (see table above). Pollutants and toxins can easily bondwith water molecules and create toxic accumulation and cellular problems. VERIFYING THE PRESENCE OF HEXAGONAL WATER CLUSTERS The application of pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) techniques in the area of biological systems has increased, and such NMR studies can provide valuable information about the kinetic properties of water, and indicating that NMR relaxation times reflect the reduced mobility of hydrated or bound water. Data using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has become an accepted method to check on the density/clustering of water molecules. The (half) line widths indicate the size of the molecule or water cluster as determined by its rate of rotation or relaxation time. Normal tap water will measure around 120 Hz. This higher number indicates that the water molecules have clumped together around selected types of structure breaking ions and occur in large clusters (dozens if not hundreds of molecules per cluster) thus making it extremely difficult for the group of molecules to penetrate the cellular membrane (see figure below). On the other hand, NMR Imaging has shown the half line widths of the Optimizer II™ water clusters are under 65 hz. This indicates that from a statistical point of view, the water is indeed hexagonal in formation, containing on the average 6 water molecules per cluster. Few if any bottled concentrates, natural or bottled waters are found with structures this small. IMPROVEMENT OF EVIAN WATER WITH AS MEASURED BY NMR TECHNOLOGY BEFORE STRUCTURING (above) AFTER STRUCTURING ADDITIONAL NMR QUALITATIVE DATA OF SEVERAL DRINKING WATERS, NATURAL SPRING, MOUNTAIN & TAP WATER FROM THE AREA OF SEOUL, KOREA Water Type Width of NMR(Hz)Dissolved Oxygen - mg/lCalcium Content - mg/lpH @ 20 deg. Cent.Optimized61.6479.029.98.5Local Tap Water105.8966.219.87.3Exceptionally Good Spring Water68.467 7.524.88.9Typical Mountain Water119.9475.38.056.5Bottled Water #1116.2087.71.387.0Bottled Water #299.4875.620.07.3Bottled Water #395.885.819.67.7Bottled Water #492.9845.418.87.6Bottled Water #587.8946.20.96.1Bottled Water #662.8834.318.83.5Analyzed by Korea Testing & Research Institute for Chemical Industry.Using 600 MHg NMR - Experiments by Korea Basic Science Institute SPECIAL INFORMATION: For those of you who are currently using or considering using steam distilled water for your drinking purposes and are interested in seeing what structural enhancement of the distilled water is possible using the Optimizer II™, these pictures are for you. The observations are very dramatic and will give you an idea what the processes of electromagnetics, structure-making ions and the vortexial action in the Optimizer II™ will produce, even on highly pure and partially structured steam distilled water. LABORATORY COMPARISONS OF HIGH PURITY STEAM DISTILLED WATER AND THE SAME STEAM DISTILLED WATER AFTER BEING OPTIMIZED. Pictures at left are high purity Steam Distilled WaterPictures at right are high purity Steam Distilled water optimized for just 9 minutes. RAPID AND EFFICIENT HYDRATION OF CELLS When you drink hexagonal water, whether from that rare clean natural stream or from yourOptimizer II™, you will notice that it does not sit in your mouth or in your stomach. Rapid or near-instant absorption is accomplished by the hexagonal clustering process. Larger and unorganized clusters of water molecules have a more difficult time penetrating the cellular membrane; hexagonal, organized water clusters penetrate the membrane far easier, as illustrated in the Bioelectric Impedance Analyzer data immediately below the following figure. RJL Systems Bioelectrical Impedance Analyzer (BIA) is the only device approved by the FDA to measure hydration and monitor Intra-Cellular and Extra-Cellular water exchanges. The results of tests conducted on the Optimized water are illustrated below where a substantial increase in Intra-Cellular water is experienced for an individual with normal body weight, height and age. Results may vary depending on individual water usage, weight, height and age. Properly clustered water will provide the Intra-Cellular water enhancement illustrated below. Improperly clustered or unclustered water is less likely to hydrate cells properly and may result in the deficiencies illustrated in the example below. Note: ICW = Intra-Cellular Water OPTIMIZER II™ INCREASES OXYGEN CONTENT Oxygen is a powerful element in maintaining vibrant cellular health. Most people think we take oxygen only through the air we breathe. However, foaming oxygen increased by vortexial action and magnetized water (as with the Optimizer II™) activates the kinetic energy, stimulates the mucous membrane while passing through the stomach, small and large intestines, and promotes blood circulation to the blood vessels. The oxygen also takes out the toxic gases and wastes in the intestines, providing a clean intestinal environment as well as a clear blood stream. The additional oxygen existing in the hexagonal water produced by the Optimizer II™ can easily be absorbed and will penetrate into the blood within 30 seconds; to the brain tissues and genitals after one minute; to the skin after 10 minutes and to the heart, liver and kidneys after 20 minutes. The brain accounts for 20-30% of total oxygen consumption in our body. Lack of oxygen to the brain may cause one to be lethargic, have a lower attention span, and over an extended period of hypoxia will certainly lead to dementia and eventually death. (Please read the important precautionary information at the bottom of this page with respect to the use of the hexagonal water and its potential effect on both mental and physical cleansing activities. The higher level of oxygen in the Optimized water may result in dramatic increases in memory or mental activity.) When exposed to a vortex, oxygen can be bonded to water molecules. Such an effect can be observed in mountain streams where millions of small, swirling vortices capture and bond oxygen into the passing water. In the Optimizer II™, a powerful vortex increases the oxygen content of the water. A 30% increase in dissolved oxygen over even good quality bottled water can be realized as illustrated below. To experience the greatest benefit of this increased oxygenation level, theOptimizer II™ water should be used within 20 minutes of preparation. ...In all serious disease states we find a concomitant low oxygen state. Low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator for disease. Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease. Dr. Stephen Levine - Molecular Biologist: Oxygen Deficiency: A Concomitant to all Degenerative Illnesses ...When the body has ample oxygen, it produces enough energy to optimize metabolism and eliminate accumulated toxic wastes in the tissues. Natural immunity is achieved when the immune system is not burdened with heavy toxic buildup. Detoxification occurs when oxygen is introduced into the system. Dr. Norman McVea OPTIMIZER II™ INCREASES WATER pH An increasing number of nutritional experts are recommending the use of less-acidic diets as well as water which is slightly alkaline. The Optimizer II™ gently mixes a select number of structure-making ionic minerals into the purified water and raises the pH as illustrated below. Good quality Spring, Steam Distilled and Reverse Osmosis waters will all benefit from this increased pH level PLANTS & FLOWERS LOVE HEXAGONAL OPTIMIZER II™WATER The use of a simple flower can sometimes demonstrate the efficacy of Optimized hexagonal water. Using two, equally mature, Gerbera Daisies, one was immersed in filtered water, the other was placed in the same filtered water which had been processed by the Optimizer II™. After 7 days, the daisy in the newly structured water was still vibrant and fresh; the other, as shown at left was limp and wilted. AFFORDABLE TO PURCHASE! Combine a top quality steam distiller system with the Optimizer II and you still pay less than many of the questionable water ionizers or gimmicks now on the market. This includes the acid/alkaline electrolysis machines, sometimes called water ionizers or Microwater systems. Mineral basket replacement optimizes performance. Replacement interval is estimated at 4-12 months, depending on usage. A front panel monitor lets you know when 200 minutes of the 4000 minute mineral basket lifetime is available.Estimated cost per batch, based on regular replacement of mineral basket = 20¢. Batch ~ 0.6 US gallon.Key Features Powerful 110v motor Enhanced far-infrared ceramics 30% stronger magnetics Enhanced mineral basket for better Oxidative-Reductive Potential (ORP) 7 or 9 minute timer 0.6 gallon container Modern attractive design Operational Tips It is very important to put steam distilled or multi--filtered water into the Optimizer II™. Distilled water will provide a higher quality product and more consistent results. Filtered or spring water may be used, but possible contamination (chemicals and structure breaking ions) makes this far less desirable. Under no circumstances use unfiltered tap water. After processing the water, store the optimized water in a separate container. GLASS should be used and not metal or plastic. DRINK OPTIMIZER II™ WATER WITHIN 20 MINUTES OF PRODUCTION FOR MAXIMUM OXYGEN BENEFIT DRINK OPTIMIZER II™ WATER WITHIN 20 DAYS OF PRODUCTION FOR MAXIMUM HYDRATION RESULTS Twenty-seven minutes of processing provides a balancing therapeutic water that allows the body to detox in a comfortable manner in most instances. Two 27 minute cycles brings the water to a highly aggressive therapeutic detox range that should only be used for health restoration or drinking a couple of ounces at a time several times per day, in addition to more water at lower levels to keep properly hydrated. (see caution below). (Half your body weight will give you the numerical number of ounces of pure, energized water you should be drinking per day. Athletes and active individuals should drink more.) Higher levels, like three or four twenty-seven-minute cycles, have been used to aid the body in relieving dental pain by taking a tablespoon and swishing it in the mouth before swallowing. This should not replace the advice of your health care provider. Half ounce to one ounce ingestion several times per day may aid the bodys system in dealing with infections and pathogens, but no claim can or is to be made here. IMPORTANT! In our field testing of this incredible appliance, we have found that the hexagonal water has produced a variety of life-changing results for different people. We want to encourage you to start SLOWLY, starting with 6 ounces of hexagonal water produced in the 9 minute cycle, sipped throughout the day for the first week. If you notice little or no change, increase intake by 6-8 ounces every three days until a change is noticed or you are drinking hexagonal water exclusively. It is widely recognized that the is caused by the release of toxic chemicals (endotoxin) released from the cell walls of dying bacteria due to effective treatment. This, in turn, results in a response from the immune system which manifests the symptoms experienced by the individual being treated. You may experience some heightened physical or emotional cleansing. Do not be alarmed. Feel free to call us. This is generally the standard kill-off effect (i.e. Herxheimer) caused by any modality that destroys pathogens and necessitates the body having to clean up and detoxify the mess; this is a well known and documented effect of any treatment that actually works!) We will strive to walk you through the physical or emotional adjustments so as to make your experience with the Optimizer II™ an enjoyable life-changing experience. Remember, with the enhanced absorption characteristics of the hexagonal water, cleansing action which may normally not be taking place may commence - this is a good thing, ridding your body of accumulated toxins. The cleansing experience may be what you will be experiencing Science of Water Home PageHexagonal Water - For a healthy lifestyleContamination - How bad is our supplyScience of Structured H20 - How it worksDistilled Water - The only clean waterCensorship - What arent we being toldBottled Water - Its not as safe you thinkMisc. Facts - Professional opinionsDehydration - A brief discussionOptimizer II™ - AMAZING! Structure your own hexagonal water at home! Save hundreds for hex concentratesThe Message from Water - STUNNING revelations about the structures of water Call today for a free consultation. full disclaimer here. Any statements about water, alternative medicine, whole foods,alternative cancer treatments, nutritional supplements, herbal remedy, skin care, colon cleanse, colon cancer, breast cancer, cancer treatments and others topics are for information only, and not medical advice.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:15:34 +0000

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