This is quite a long post but I felt I couldnt sit on my hands any - TopicsExpress


This is quite a long post but I felt I couldnt sit on my hands any longer. I keep seeing repostings from friends on facebook from the right wing racist group Britain First. I fully support democracy and free speech, its not up to me to police facebook, but I believe that a lot of people may be unaware of who Britain First actually are, and where this group originated from. Britain First was set up by members of the far right wing racist organisation the BNP. It is a racist group intent on stirring up hate and spreading misinformation. Amongst many things, they are using the death of Lee Rigby to promote their cause, but are deliberately distorting the facts. They tried to stir up anger a few weeks ago by suggesting that Greenwich Council are refusing to put up a memorial in memory of Lee Rigby, but did so for Stephen Lawrence, making the suggestion that the council are in some way being racist towards Lee Rigby. I thought this sounded odd, so a quick google took me to the website for Greenwich Council who had put a statement on their front page stating that it isnt up to the council to erect a memorial for Lee, but up to the British Army because Lee Rigby was a serving soldier. This deliberate attempt to distort the facts, try to demean Stephen Lawrence, to serve their own racist agenda is disgusting to say the least. Lee Rigbys mother is said to be heartbroken that Britain First are using the death of her son in this way, so please dont think you are doing Lee Rigbys family any favours by reposting these things. The latest posting I have seen from Britain First talks about a media blackout on Lee Rigby. Again, if they are speaking of the recent trial then this is standard practise in high profile cases to prevent jurors from being influenced. Yet again, Britain First are deliberately distorting the facts and exploiting the death of Lee Rigby to spread more hate and further their cause. That might be ok with some people, but if it isnt please be careful what you hit like on and share on your feed. These guys arent very articulate, dont care about facts and frankly are no better than the Nazis who spread the same type of racism and hatred in 1930s Germany, and I certainly wouldnt want to associate myself with a group like that.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 10:44:38 +0000

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