This is rather a lengthy missive, though it contains suggestions, - TopicsExpress


This is rather a lengthy missive, though it contains suggestions, solutions and actions to take to restore our Constitutional Republic, to that which our highly intelligent and visionary founding fathers intended. The root cause of our problems, is and always has been, TOO MUCH federal government. “The diligent merchant, the hardworking farmer, the active mechanic, the industrious manufacturer, and indeed all men, look forward with great and growing anticipation to reaping the rewards of their hard work,” Alexander Hamilton-Federalist-12 America’s first treasury secretary, Hamilton focused on the ways government could increase “the number of paths to prosperity.” In other words, he realized, wealth and success in America depended on the unfettered function of commerce—not government regulation. Taxation was NEVER intended to become a “tool” for government to use in social engineering or redistribution of wealth. He explained that the velocity with which money moves through the system affects EVERYTHING, including citizens’ ability to pay taxes. Originally, taxes were meant to grow prosperity---NOT government. He reasoned and understood that a country was only as strong as its bank account. Excise taxes were enacted to fund a “standing army/navy” to protect the people of the Republic, period. One thing rings true from Hamilton’s original remarks on taxes all the way to this very moment; higher taxes don’t mean more money for the government. “It is evident from the state of the country, from the habits of the people, from the experience we have had on the point itself, that it is impracticable to raise any very considerable sums by direct (payroll taxes) taxation. Tax laws have in vain been multiplied; new methods to enforce the collection have in vain been tried; the public expectation has been uniformly disappointed, and the treasuries of the States have remained empty.” It was not until the Sixteenth Amendment, ratified in 1913, that the federal government officially had the power to directly tax citizens, through payroll taxes. Another thing remains true, NO MATTER the tax rate, the amount taken in has been “right around” 18% of GDP (gross domestic product). Why is that? To wit; *WHY OH WHY IS UTTER FAILURE BY OUR employees (politicians) acceptable over and over again? Since taxes were first enacted these facts have held true; Whenever taxes are raised to onerous levels (defined as being to the point where investors CANNOT expect a reasonable amount of return in a reasonable amount of time) revenues (in the form of taxes)to said givernment entity goes down dramatically. Conversely, whenever taxes are lowered (again to a point where return and time are beneficial to the investor) revenue (in the form of taxes) go up EXPONENTIALLY. WHY? Because uber rich individuals and corporations park their money into tax free entities (muni bonds etc) and into overseas investments, thus sheltering their money from the ever intrusive givernments rising tax burden. Once lowered, the money comes flooding back into the market, which finances start-ups, mergers, NEW HIRES, expansion etc...This then keeps the economic engine chugging along on its own form of carbon energy, which feeds on itself, namely, CAPITALISM. All of the above actions create a LARGER pool of tax payers (broadening the tax base if you will) which increases the revenues to the givernment. Which (scary thought giving IT any more money) it can then use to service the deficit and pay down the debt. *(Why do we elect Ivy League educated politicians why is college a prerequisite?) Riddle me this; it has been said, that you can go to any Ivy League school and one of the current students, 20+ years from now, has a good chance to be POTUS or a representative or senator. OK, why does it seem like that the ANSWER TO EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM is RAISING PRICES/TAXES? Where are all the out of the box original thoughts or ideas that benefited the MAJORITY WITHOUT having to raise prices/taxes? Think about it, can ANYONE remember in their lives ANY grand plan or scheme that cured what ailed us as a State or Nation? I mean my 5 year old daughter (who is very smart by the way) is in kindergarten and can RAISE PRICES/TAXES. THINK ABOUT THAT. Its high time that we start electing those of us that have both common sense and EXPERIENCE and make it a LAW that those that serve US, the American people, have skin in the game to make sure, that they are in fact, acting in OUR, THEIR BOSSES, best interests. *(Power Structure Turned Upside down Constitution) I will respectively submit that it has everything to do with making life long careers by CREATING the very problems that they end up saying they are the solution to....Like lawyers (which most of them are) they want AS MANY billable hours to extract maximum revenues/taxes/crony capitalistic/pork funds to both validate their jobs and create yet another department of everything which they fill with like- minded political minions. This is about creating and extending careers for themselves, and IT IS NOT about looking out for the American people, period. Our founders NEVER-EVER could imagine and did not intend for politicians to make LIFE LONG careers and enrich themselves on the backs of the Republic. Original politicians were part timers that HAD to keep their day jobs to make ends meet. Our entire political power structure and system has been turned upside down. The power structure is supposed to be the INDIVIDUAL, the State and then last and certainly (MOST) least the federal givernment. We need to get back to our roots and dismantle this tyrannical power structure that could eventually lead to the end of this great republic. *LASTLY; (old idea) Cut “government” pay and number of employees Take this opportunity to cut the givernment in half, cut ALL POLITICIANS pay to what it was 20 years ago. Base their future raises on the budget deficit and debt. Take the debt to GDP ratio in percentage terms and use the last 60 year average as a baseline. Then WHENEVER they stay below the average they get a cost of living raise that is exactly the same as social security. BUT, whenever they go ABOVE the average they get a reduction in their pay of 10% for every month that they stay above the average. The problem is simple, THEY HAVE NO SKIN IN THE GAME, therefore they spend and create givernment largess to increase their power and control over the minions. When the Constitution was originally ratified and politicians were elected, they basically were part timers to the givernment. Which required them to keep their day jobs. Politicians were NEVER-EVER intended to be able to make and sustain careers off of the money they were paid for their public service. We as Americans should demand that steps be taken to once again have these requirements in place. Power and money corrupts the best intentioned humans, time to take the corruption incentive of wealth out of the equation. If anyone has anything to add, redact or suggest, I would be open to all opinion(s), regardless if it aligns with my thoughts or not, God Bless America.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 03:10:09 +0000

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