This is really a great article so make sure you read all of - TopicsExpress


This is really a great article so make sure you read all of it. Two things that jumped out so I copied to re-share. Q: Is there something in particular in your yard that you’re especially proud of? A: For me it would be the pass-along plants — those plants that’ve been shared, and given from gardener to gardener. So when I look around my yard and see those plants — like old-fashioned mums that I got from my dad, who got them from his cousin back in New Jersey. It doesn’t have a name, but every time it blooms in the fall I remember who brought it here. I’ve got a garden full of friends. I’ve got a gardenia that I got from an elderly lady in Atlanta. She’s 90-something years old. She told me this story. She was attending a funeral and out in the cemetery she spotted this gardenia in bloom. It was doing great with no one paying attention to it. So when no one was looking, she broke a branch off and put it in her pocket. She took it home and stuck the branch in water. It rooted and eventually she planted it in her garden. When I did a story about her, she gave me a cutting and now it’s growing in my yard. I’ve got lots of plants that came with stories. • This describes my gardens so much with the passalongs that have been given and re-shared throughout the years. One reason I would always say my garden of friends Q: When I’m at work or with friends and they find out that I like gardening, they look at me with this blank stare before they start making fun of me. As a guy, can you tell me some ways to make gardening sound cool? A: I’ve just never gotten this thing that gardening is just for little old ladies. OK … what do they think is cool? NASCAR? What do they do when they watch NASCAR? They watch guys in cars make a left turn continuously for two hours. That’s boring. I think gardening is very creative. I think it’s relaxing. It’s good exercise. It’s a good way to share things with friends. And it’s a source of pride to see people driving and taking pictures of your yard. I absolutely will never apologize for being called a gardener. • Ask my hubby how much its changed his life since he married The Flower Garden Lady he soon became The Flower Garden Guy
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 01:00:50 +0000

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