This is regarding the owner of Industrial Controls (something or - TopicsExpress


This is regarding the owner of Industrial Controls (something or other) who either lives or works in GHE, and who nearly killed my 4 kids and I on 58 today. We nearly got rear-ended twice this afternoon on the 58 by some jerk. The first time I pulled out to pass a semi, and the guy in the left lane floored it as I was pulling into that lane, then slammed on his brakes just before hitting me -- I used my blinker & had PLENTY of space, he was just a jerk. Then a minute later, while passing another semi, the entire line of cars in front of me almost came to a stop, and I of course had to slow as well -- so the same jerk, who was tailgating me, nearly hit me again -- thank God I dont tailgate, wed have been crushed! So then of course, we get off at the same exit & head into the same neighborhood He was right in front of me so I stopped when he did & said Hey, can I have a word with you? Im not following you or anything, I just happened to have to get off at the same exit. But you nearly rear-ended me twice on the 58, and I have 4 kids in the car. You could have killed us. You need to drive more carefully. And he had the nerve to tell me I shouldnt have been in the fast lane -- hello, when there are 2 lanes, one is for passing, and there is no fast lane -- and said that I needed driving lessons. I may have called him a choice name. Not my proudest moment. The only reason I even stopped is because he was driving a company truck -- so I will NEVER do business with INDUSTRIAL CONTROLS something-or-other, because their owner (yep -- hes got grey hair and a sleezy long ponytail with rubber bands tied all the way down) is a piece of dirt who doesnt care about the lives of children. Hed rather endanger everyone on the road with him by driving like a maniac, just to shave 10 seconds off his drive time.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 00:26:39 +0000

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