This is ridiculous, the US Troops had the region nearly stabilized - TopicsExpress


This is ridiculous, the US Troops had the region nearly stabilized - but the conflict was more complicated than just a mere insurgency. From the Iraqi Street, there was a real Mexican Standoff going on: 1. Opportunistic Crime - highway banditry, kidnapping for ransom, extortion, offing the competition. 2. Revenge Killing - payback coming to officers of the former Baath Party 3. Tribal Blood Feud - solved by tribal justice jirga usually blood money or qisas. 4. Sectarian Violence - Sunni, Shia, Christian (although Christians only received violence and never gave it) 5. Ethnic Violence - Arab, Kurd, Assyrian (Assyrians never attacked - only were victims) 6. Political Militias 7. Anti-Occupation Nationalists 8. Foreign Jihadists Dr. Petreaus had a plan of action on each level and were gradually turning responsibility over for each conflict to those (American or Iraqi) who had the best skillset to administer to them. The Sunni Tribes eventually hated Al Qaeda and the Awakening Movement robbed them of their security. The day Obama had us pull out (At the behest of Iranian influence) Iraqs Sunni Vice President was charged with murder and starting a militia. (condemned to death in absentia). The summary disenfranchisement of the Sunni Population produced 80,000 men at arms. (Diyala Province estimates). ISIS could not have made gains without the complicity of the general population - as Christians in Mosul have testified that it was their own neighbors who were delivering the ultimatums: convert, pay the jizya, or die. Turkey cannot be trusted because the ruling AKP is a franchise of the Muslim Brotherhood and 7-10% of ISIS is Turkish. It is not clear that Turkeys involvement isnt deeper - as the AKP (Muslim Brotherhood) self stated goal is the Islamic State. Starting from Danaa and Homs to Aleppo the majority of Syrian battles have happened in Christian neighborhoods. The Iraq slaughter extended West to predominately Yazid and Chaldean regions around Mosul. The Kurdish goal is establishing an independent Kurdistan that was divided by Sykes-Picot for its role in the Christian Genocide from the Hamadan Massacres, to the Siege at Van to the wholesale slaughter through Anitolia to the final destination at Dier al-Zohr . Kurdish independence will most likely add to the instability of Iran, Turkey, Iraq and Syria. Now the situation has changed so egregiously (with the wholesale Sunni support) that a bloodbath and eventual killing of their Khalipha may be the only solution. It should have never come to this and it was avoidable - and predictable. ...we have been saying it for years - only to be ridiculed, by the left, as Islamophobes. https://youtube/watch?v=84ukJlcpqEY
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 06:59:23 +0000

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